# Installing the Binary Distribution of Ivette Requirement: an installed `frama-c` binary. **Warning:** if you already have an `ivette` script along with `frama-c`, that script is used for bootstrapping the installation of Ivette from source through your internet connection. The instructions provided here are intended to _replace_ the installation procedure from source. Hence, it is highly recommended for you to remove the bootstrapping `ivette` script if you want to use the binary distribution of Ivette. ## Ivette for Linux Requirement: libfuse2 must be installed. Download the binary distribution (for now, only x86-64 and ARM64 are supported). Install it wherever you want: ```sh cp frama-c-ivette-linux--28.1-Nickel.AppImage /ivette.AppImage ``` Then add an alias `ivette` that just runs the AppImage: ```sh alias ivette=/ivette.AppImage ``` ## Ivette for macOS Download the universal binary distribution of Ivette and install it, typically in `/Applications/Ivette.app`. To launch Ivette from the command line, you will need your own `ivette` script, like the following one: ```sh #! /usr/bin/env sh exec open -na /Ivette.app --args\ --command /frama-c\ --working $PWD $* ``` Simply replace `` and `` in the code above with the (absolute) paths to your `Ivette.app` and `frama-c` binaries, respectively. Then, make your `ivette` script executable and simply use it like the `frama-c` command-line binary!