Frama-C-discuss mailing list archives

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[Frama-c-discuss] Assigns broken for arrays?

Le mer 01 avr 2009 17:55:56 CEST,
David MENTRE <dmentre at> a ?crit :

> Hello,
> On Wed, Apr 1, 2009 at 16:09, David MENTRE <dmentre at> wrote:
> > I have open a bug:
> > ?[#7560] Inability to prove assigns clauses on simple array code
> > ?
> Virgile closed the bug. After further investigation, it appears that
> even on original Boris' code, Alt-Ergo is unable to prove "assigns"
> clause.

Sorry, this was a mistake, I overlooked bug 7559 and 7560. It should be
re-opened as of now (I thought this was already done, but gforge's BTS

In fact, assigns is not broken for arrays, but in order to have a
chance to prove that, you'd need to add loop assigns in your loop
annotation (as always, the loop itself is "opaque" for jessie: for it,
the loop does what it written in the annotation, and in absence of loop
assigns, this means that the loop can assign everything).
However, the current version of the jessie plug-in does not support
loop assigns. Next Version? might fix that.

Best regards,

E tutto per oggi, a la prossima volta.