Frama-C-discuss mailing list archives

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[Frama-c-discuss] Frama-C: GUI's response time

> I'm currently working on a larger source code of about 100  
> functions, for a total of 10K Sloc.
> Value Analysis is performed on the whole code through a classical  
> command line like:
> frama-c-gui -val ...
> After some computations (~40 minutes elapsed time), Frama-C's GUI is  
> displayed.

The 40 minutes and the ~500Mb of memory are the resources used
by the value analysis itself. You can avoid the wait the next time
you need the results of the value analysis by using
the -save / -load options, typically :
frama-c -val *.c -save state
frama-c-gui -load state

The size of the saved state should be about half the RAM used,
that is, about 250Mb in your case.

After the 40 minutes, all the values are precomputed and recorded
in memory. This is the reason for the 500Mb, but this means that
the actual value analysis is not the reason for the slow responses of
the GUI.

> But when selecting a particular function from one of the 80  
> different source files, even the smallest one, the GUI gets stuck  
> for a long period of time (for some analysis, it seems to be  
> "infinite").
> On smaller application, response time is of course a lot smaller.

In addition to what has already been said, I recommend you
avoid selecting complete source files in the left-hand
side panel. Instead, select individual functions by first expanding
the file in the tree view (with my GTK+ theme, this is done by
clicking a small triangle left of the function name).
Trying to display a complete source file in the GUI can be
especially costly.


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Nom: select_function.png
Type: image/png
Taille: 19997 octets
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