Frama-C-discuss mailing list archives

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[Frama-c-discuss] Jessie and cross compiler

Dear all,
I have some C files that are part to a rtems-project on Sparc
These files are compiled using the sparc-rtems-gcc cross compiler and
sparc libraries.
I tried to verify the C files of this project using Jessie, and thus I
launched frama-c using the following command:
frama-c -cpp-command "sparc-rtems-gcc -C -E -I.
-I/opt/rtems-4.6/sparc-rtems/include" -jessie-analysis -jessie-gui
Frama-c (more precisely jessie) encounter the following error:
File "jc/", line 1545, characters 13-13:
Uncaught exception: File "jc/", line 1545, characters 13-19:
Assertion failed
Jessie subprocess failed:    jessie  -why-opt -split-user-conj  -v
-locs module.cloc module.jc
Is there specific options to use when using cross compilator in
cpp-command with jessie?
Do you known the reasons of such failure?
Best regards,
Thomas P.

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