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[Frama-c-discuss] Requirements as hypothesis for assumes ?

  • Subject: [Frama-c-discuss] Requirements as hypothesis for assumes ?
  • From: nicolas.stouls at (Nicolas Stouls)
  • Date: Tue, 04 Aug 2009 14:04:10 +0200


When proving a function including a function call, such as the following g function:

/*@ requires Rf;
   @ behavior a:
   @   assumes Af;
   @   ensures Ef;
int f(int x){....}

/*@ requires Rg;
   @ ensures Eg;
int g(int x){

Here is the proof obligation that we need to proof to establish the correctness 
of g:

   Rg => [<instructions1>;y=f(z);<instructions2>]Eg

In Jessie, it seems to be rewrites into a formula like:

   Rg => [<instructions1>](Rf & (Af & Ef => [<instructions2>]Eg))

And then split into two PO separating precondition and postcondition:

   1) Rg => [<instructions1>]Rf
   2) Rg => [<instructions1>](Af & Ef => [<instructions2>]Eg)

However, it could be appreciate to have [<instructions1>]Rf as hypothesis of 
(2). Indeed, (1) can be an interesting hypothesis in order to establish if the 
assumes clause Af holds or not.

An extreme example is the one where (Af = Rf). In a such case, we need to 
establish (1) during the proof of (2).

Do you think than adding the requirement clause as hypothesis as in the 
following have any sense ?

1) Rg => [<instructions1>]Rf
2) Rg && [<instructions1>]Rf => [<instructions1>](Af & Ef =>[<instructions2>]Eg)

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