Frama-C-discuss mailing list archives

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[Frama-c-discuss] Why/Jessie plugin version 2.22 is out

Hollas Boris (CR/AEY1) a ?crit :
> Hello Julien,
> This is the relevant part of my .bashrc:
> export PATH=$PATH:/cygdrive/c/Program\ Files/emacs-22.1/bin/:/cygdrive/c/Frama-C/bin:/cygdrive/c/Program\ Files/Alt-Ergo/bin:/cygdrive/c/Program\ Files/Why/bin
> export CAMLLIB=/cygdrive/c/Frama-C/lib
> export OCAMLLIB=/cygdrive/c/Frama-C/lib
> export CAML_LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/cygdrive/c/Frama-C/lib/stublibs


> ~/tmp/why-2.22> ./configure -prefix=/cygdrive/c/Frama-C/lib
> checking for /cygdrive/c/Frama-C/lib/graph.cmi... no
> checking for /cygdrive/c/Frama-C/lib/ocamlgraph/graph.cmi... no
> checking for ocamlgraph/src/sig.mli... yes
> checking ocamlgraph version... failed
> Switching to local ocamlgraph
> checking ocamlgraph compilation... configure: error: cannot compile ocamlgraph in ocamlgraph

Sorry I was wrong: Frama-C Beryllium 2 does not install its own 
ocamlgraph (but the current svn version of Frama-C installs it, that 
explains my error ;-)).

Furthermore, the ocamlgraph version used by Why (if ocamlgraph is not 
already installed) is quite old (version 0.99b of December 2007). It 
certainly does not work fine under cygwin: looking at the ocamlgraph's 
Changelog, at least one Cygwin issue in the configure was fixed...

Installing a recent version of ocamlgraph from 
(or replacing the version of ocamlgraph in Why by a more recent one) 
before configuring Why should solve your issue. This workaround is not 
tested: let me know if it works.
