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[Frama-c-discuss] Frama-C / Jessie-Plugin

  • Subject: [Frama-c-discuss] Frama-C / Jessie-Plugin
  • From: barbaraisabelvieira at (Bárbara Vieira)
  • Date: Fri, 23 Jan 2009 11:33:43 -0000


Hi everyone!


Can anybody help, and tell me why this code generate four  proof-obligations
to the post-condition and 5 proof- obligations to the assertion, when it is
just supposed to generate only 2 proof-obligations for post-conditions and 3
proof-obligations to the assertion. (Using the predefined option ?why-opt
?split-user-conj  is Jessie).


/*@ requires len>=0 &&

  @         \valid_range(a,0,len-1) &&

  @         \valid_range(b,0,len-1);

  @   ensures (\at(a,Here) == \at(a,Old) + len)  &&

  @               (\at(b,Here) == \at(b,Old) + len);


void func(const unsigned long len,const unsigned char *a,

                  unsigned char *b)


      int i;


      if (i) {


      /*@ loop invariant 0<=i<=len &&

        @         a == \at(a,Pre) + (len-i) &&

        @         b == \at(b,Pre) + (len-i);

      @     loop variant i;


          while (i>0) {

            a[0] == b[0] + 1;




            //if (--i == 0) break;




        /*@ assert i==0 &&

          @ a == \at(a,Pre) + (len-i) &&

          @ b == \at(b,Pre) + (len-i);   





I made a post some days ago, but I didn?t get an answer. I supposed that the
problem of generating so many proof-obligations was because  I was using a
?break?.  Here, I?m not using a break, to avoid the intermediate
proof-obligations that are generated and are related with the


In this code I don?t understand the proof-obligations that are generated
related with the post-conditions too, because they seem to appear
duplicated. Probably there is some inconsistence in the code, because the
last proof-obligation is mysteriously proved using Simplify, and I don?t
understand how it is provable.


If anybody can help, I appreciate a lot.


Thanks in advance.

Best regards,




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