Frama-C-discuss mailing list archives

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[Frama-c-discuss] Jessie plug-in

  • Subject: [Frama-c-discuss] Jessie plug-in
  • From: Emilie.Timbou at (Emilie.Timbou at
  • Date: Thu, 7 May 2009 14:58:11 +0200
  • In-reply-to: <>

Sorry, my answer was unclear:

calling coq within gwhy *DOES NOT WORK*

The proper way to use coq for discharging VCs generated with 
frama-C/jessie is

    frama-c -jessie-analysis -jessie-atp coq <file>.c
    coqide <file>.jessie/coq/<file>_why.v

- Claude

PS: by the way, please notice that the language for Frama-C public 
discussion list is english

Sorry for not using English language, I forgot.

I tried what you tell me and I had another type of error. I am not sure 
whether it was necessary to put the two lines as a result or not.
When I tested the two lines, I get:

When I tested the first line, I get:

However, I put the Coq libraries in the Variable Environment... 
So, I do not understand the problem and I do not find a answer to resolve 
this problem.

Thank for your interest...

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