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[Frama-c-discuss] Jessie-Plugin inconsistence between batch- and GUI-mode

  • Subject: [Frama-c-discuss] Jessie-Plugin inconsistence between batch- and GUI-mode
  • From: kerstin.hartig at (Kerstin Hartig)
  • Date: Mon, 18 May 2009 16:57:32 +0200

Hello everyone,

I am facing some problems running Jessie and I as I didn't find any
advices for this problem in the archive I hope maybe someone here has
the answer and can help me to solve it.

I have installed Frama-C on MacOS X, I additionally installed some
provers  (alt-ergo, cvc3 and yices) and ran why-config. (everything was
I've got a piece of code that I want the provers to run on.

If I try to run it in batch mode:
frama-c -jessie-analysis -jessie-atp alt-ergo file.c
everything seems to work fine, alt-ergo finds 14 valid proof obligations
(0 invalid/unknown/timeout/failure).

If I try to run it in gui-mode:
frama-c -jessie-analysis -jessie-gui file.c
the results of alt-ergo in the GWhy-Interface are not consistent with
the batch-mode results, actually there are no results. Clicking on the
prover just makes it run fast through the PO's, but no results. (I could
post a screenshot of this if required)
I tried the different provers and different source files (also the
tutorial). I always get the same problem. 

Does anyone have any suggestions how to solve this?



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