Frama-C-discuss mailing list archives

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[Frama-c-discuss] Res: Feature or bug?

Jo?o Paulo Carvalho wrote:
> > Now, why is this false hypothesis part of the context? Because all
> > previous preconditions and postconditions are assumed to be true when
> > proving subsequent properties. In other words, it behaves as if you had
> > written:
> >
> > void bar()
> > {
> >     //@ assert 0 <= -1;
> >     foo(-2);
> > }
> But why that behaviour exists? There is some practical aspect that 
> motivates this "inclusion" of the previous ensures clauses (with the 
> proper variables substituted) in the next statements?
In a theoretical point of view, this is given by the *weakest* 
precondition calculus, The weakest word is important here.

In practice, there is no natural reason to remove information that comes 
from the context.
Also, it has an interesting feature: identical precondition does not 
need to be proven twice, e.g in

if (t[i] > 0) t[i] = ...;

you are only asked to prove validity of access t[i] once.

The only drawback in practice I can think of is that for large size 
programs, the context can get very large which can confuses automatic 
provers: see

A Graph-based Strategy for the Selection of Hypotheses 
<> - J.F. Couchot, T. 

Graph-based Reduction of Program Verification Conditions 
<> - J.-F. Couchot, A. 
Giorgetti, N. Stouls, Pr?sent? au workshop AFM de la conf?rence CAV'09.
> There are some Jessie parameter which prevents that kind of "inclusion"?

Could you explain why this behavior really annoys you ?
> Att,
> Jo?o Paulo Carvalho.
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