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[Frama-c-discuss] dead code after an assertion unknown status

Hi Pascal,

Of course, f1 is the entry point and you are right about my intention.
I've founded the sections in the manual that you mention, and they are 
explicits (but in ?7.1.2 and ?8.2.1).
I don't have the intention of sending a bug on the mantis as I consider 
with your answer that is not a bug.

thank you,


CUOQ Pascal a ?crit :
> Hi Stephane,
>> I cannot explain why the code immediately following the assert is seen
>> as dead code.
> Presumably f1 is the entry point of the analysis.
> This is exactly the same situation as last time:
> without any information about the argument buf,
> the value analysis assumes that buf points to a fresh
> variable star_buf that is not in alias with any other
> variable of the program. Therefore, it is impossible to
> have buf==tab and the code after the assertion is
> dead. If your intention with the assertion is to force
> the analysis to consider the possibility that buf points
> to tab, it won't work this way (first limitation
> in section 6.1.2 of the manual). The simplest way
> at this time is to write a context, in C, using the
> non-deterministic primitives of section 7.2.1 to
> create a state that encompasses all the possibilities
> that you want the analysis to consider.
>> Status of the assert is "unknown" for the value analysis.
> This is strange, and I will look into it if you report it as
> a bug. I guess that you expected "false", and this is fair.
> Note that the evaluation of the truth value of the
> assertion (that results in "unknown") and the reduction
> of the propagated state (that results in bottom and
> causes the rest of the function to be reported as dead
> code) are independent processes. On this example,
> both function according to spec, only
> one (the reduction) is more precise than the other
> (the truth value). The truth value "unknown" is a
> correct, if surprising, answer by the value analysis.
> Pascal
> __
> char tab[10];
> int f1(char* buf, int v)
> {
>   int i;
>   //@ assert buf==tab;
>   i++;
>   memcpy(buf, &v, sizeof(int));
>   i++;
>   return *((int*)buf);
> }

Stephane DUPRAT
Innovation et Bureau m?thode
R?gion Midi-Pyr?n?es - Agence de Toulouse
6 Impasse Alice Guy
B.P. 43045
31024 - Toulouse Cedex 03
T?l : 05 34 36 32 78
Fax : 05 34 36 31 00

mailto :stephane.duprat at

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