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[Frama-c-discuss] Unknows Pragma

I downloaded the last frama-c source and added the patch, make and 

But using the option example is giving me some errors I can not solve 
(quite new to linux bash and pipes :) )

frama-c -cpp-command "gcc -C -E -I. < %1 | grep -v pragma\ LINK_INFO > 
%2" -val HC12DIN.c

The output:
[kernel] preprocessing with "gcc -C -E -I. < %1 | grep -v pragma\ 
LINK_INFO > %2  HC12DIN.c"
gcc: no input files
[kernel] user error: failed to run: gcc -C -E -I. < 'HC12DIN.c'   | grep 
-v pragma\ LINK_INFO > '/tmp/HC12DIN.c8c11de.i'
                      you may set the CPP environment variable to select 
the proper preprocessor command or use the option "-cpp-command".
[kernel] user error: skipping file "HC12DIN.c" that has errors.
[kernel] Frama-C aborted because of an invalid user input.

seems like gcc is complaining, but I don't know how to solve this.

best regards, Patrik

On 28.5.2010 15:36, Pascal Cuoq wrote:
>> How do I get frama-c to understand these pragmas?
>> #pragma LINK_INFO DERIVATIVE   "MC9S12C32"
>> #pragma LINK_INFO OSCFREQUENCY "16000000"
> That's easy, if by "understand" you mean "ignore":
> grep them out at pre-processing (after pre-processing,
> in case these pragmas are found inside include files).
> Use the option:
> -cpp-command "gcc -C -E -I. -<  %1  | grep -v pragma\ LINK_INFO>  %2"
> in addition to what you were already doing.
> You may find that the option -cpp-command does not
> handle the tokens %1 and %2 as documented.
> That's an unfortunate bug. But since you are already setting
> yourself up for compiling Frama-C from sources with
> your exotic target architecture, it won't be too much additional
> trouble to apply the following patch :
> --- src/kernel/	(revision 8516)
> +++ src/kernel/	(working copy)
> @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@
>   	  in
>   	  (* Format.eprintf "-cpp-command cmd2=|%s|@\n" cmd2; *)
>             let cmd3 =
> -	    String.sub cmdl (percent2 + 2) (String.length cmdl - percent2 + 2)
> +	    String.sub cmdl (percent2 + 2) (String.length cmdl - (percent2 + 2))
>             in
>   	  (* Format.eprintf "-cpp-command cmd3=|%s|@\n" cmd3; *)
>             Format.sprintf "%s%s %s %s%s%s" cmd1
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