Frama-C-discuss mailing list archives

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[Frama-c-discuss] make error for "Hello Frama-C World" plugin


Le 28/09/2010 09:50, chaojianhu a ??crit :
> Dear Frama-C users,
> The hello_world plugin in "Plug-in Development Guide Release
> Boron-20100401"
> can't make on my windows xp sp3.
> My platform configure are frama-c-Boron-20100401.exe and cygwin.
> The error I have encountered is:
> Makefile.plugin:604: *** missing `endif'. Stop
> thanks!

Quite surprising since nobody else reports this issue (even users which 
develop their own plug-ins on Windows/Cygwin-i-don't-know-which-version).

What is your version of make? Gnu Make 3.81 is expected. If your version 
of Make is ok, please could you provide us a fully reproducible example 
via the Frama-C BTS ( ?

Julien Signoles
CEA LIST, Software Safety Labs
91191 Gif-Sur-Yvette Cedex
tel:(+33)  fax:(+33)  Julien.Signoles at