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[Frama-c-discuss] French slides to present Frama-C, value analysis and Jessie


> How do you proceed in practice to do such analysis? Are you
> writing a stub that generates required values with the
> Frama_C_* functions and then call the top functions of the
> analysed sub-component (as in Skein tutorial for example)?
> Are you using -lib-entry -main options? A combination of both?

The most effective is to use the -lib-entry mode.
The simplest way is just to add somme requires to the entry-point that restrict the state produced by -lib-entry to a nominal state of the calling context.
But generally, we need to write a "caller" that is a C function that calls the "to-be-analysed" function.
This caller defines the context, using C language, but also annotations, and/or Frama-C builtin functions. This need to know what are the good hypothesis to use the called function, and as a consequence need a minimal effort of design.
In this modular approach we also need to write stubs for called functions thar are not part of the verified sub-component. For that, there's also different solutions more or less easy to use:
  - the minimal : just the prototype if there is no other side effect than thoses automatically generated from the signature of the function
  - the prototype + ACSL contract with assigns clauses (encrease sid-effects) and ensures (more precise contract)
  - a C language stub defining correct side-effect with the required precision.
That's for the method, roughly speaking.

> And I would also be interested in experience report on people
> integrating Frama-C analyses in their development cycle, e.g.
> regular call of Frama-C in batch mode on a source version
> control checkout.
Tooling is an other keypoint of industrial use.
We are currently working on an integration of Frama-C in Eclipse, with batch analysis, making easier the use of the tool in an iterative process.
We will be pleased to make it available in next months to user.



> -----Message d'origine-----
> De : frama-c-discuss-bounces at
> [mailto:frama-c-discuss-bounces at] De la
> part de David MENTRE
> Envoy? : mardi 1 f?vrier 2011 14:08
> ? : Frama-C public discussion
> Objet : Re: [Frama-c-discuss] French slides to present
> Frama-C, value analysis and Jessie
> Hello St?phane,
> 2011/2/1 DUPRAT Stephane <STEPHANE.DUPRAT at>:
> > If it helps, here's my point of view about these remarks,
> which are from the side of an industrial user.
> It helps! Thanks a lot.
> > An other strategy for industrial (or not) developpers is to
> apply value analysis on sub-components of the program during
> its development.
> How do you proceed in practice to do such analysis? Are you
> writing a stub that generates required values with the
> Frama_C_* functions and then call the top functions of the
> analysed sub-component (as in Skein tutorial for example)?
> Are you using -lib-entry -main options? A combination of both?
> [...]
> > About the remark about the size of annotation:
> > Deductive proof is made for functional verification that
> are traditionnaly made by tests.
> > And we have to know that tests are larger thant source
> code. And formal specification are smaller thant tests scripts.
> Interesting point of view. I'll reused it. ;-)
> >> Overall, I already asked for it but having some examples
> (or better
> >> an article that could be cited!) detailing how Frama-C is
> applied on
> >> some industrial code (size of code, most important issues and
> >> approaches used to work around them, results obtained)
> would be very
> >> useful.
> >
> > I will try to export more concrete exemple.
> I'm looking forward to see them.
> And I would also be interested in experience report on people
> integrating Frama-C analyses in their development cycle, e.g.
> regular call of Frama-C in batch mode on a source version
> control checkout.
> Thanks a lot for the information,
> Best regards,
> david
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> Frama-c-discuss mailing list
> Frama-c-discuss at

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