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[Frama-c-discuss] Unbound value Datatype.func in


if you provide enough information for anyone to reproduce the problem,
anyone can help you. If you only provide the error message,
only the maker of the dynamic plug-in system has at best a slim
chance to understand what is happening and to help you.

Enough information is:
- all the files of your plug-in, including Makefile if any;
- command you typed;
- OCaml version;
- Frama-C version;
- OS in which you are doing this.

On Sat, Jun 18, 2011 at 4:24 PM, ??? <njucslzh0714 at> wrote:
> let print =
> ? Dynamic.register ? ?~plugin:"loop" ? ?"run" ? ?~journalize:true
> ?(Datatype.func Datatype.unit Datatype.unit) ? ?compute_loop
> let run () = ?if Enabled.get () then compute_loop ()
> let () = Db.Main.extend run
> but when compiled , there is an error :Unbound value Datatype.func

This means that the OCaml compiler does not find a value func being
exported by a module named Datatype. In the latest OCaml version,
this means that there is a module Datatype but it doesn't export a value func,
but in previous versions of OCaml, it could also mean that there wasn't a
module Datatype (a recent improvement was to use a different error
message for that).

The error may come from not having computed the dependencies of
your OCaml files (typically: "make depend"). It could also come from
using the documentation of one Frama-C release to write plug-ins for
a different Frama-C release. It probably comes from another reason
that is impossible to guess without all the elements listed above.

