Frama-C-discuss mailing list archives

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[Frama-c-discuss] patchFile

On Wed, Apr 11, 2012 at 10:44 PM, Wayne Pineault
<WPineault at> wrote:
> I have made huge changes to the share directory .c and .h files to get some of my plugins to work correctly.

Could you elaborate a bit? So far, you have not told us what went
wrong with the headers you do not want to include. Why does "Frama-C
value analysis [...] not work properly with these files included"?

> I have tried the -nostdinc directive (and this was my 4'th worst fix) but I currently have 12424 headers in my /usr/include directories and didn't want to provide a copy of all of these!

I hope your application does not include those 14 424 files. If it
does, I think you have trouble ahead regardless of Frama-C :-)
