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[Frama-c-discuss] [Value analysis] Validating a function with behavior spec.

  • Subject: [Frama-c-discuss] [Value analysis] Validating a function with behavior spec.
  • From: sylvain.nahas at (sylvain nahas)
  • Date: Fri, 13 Apr 2012 10:51:00 +0200


I can not validate the somewhat trivial code below with the value analysis:

/*@ requires ( val < 0 ) || ( val >= 0 );
  @ behavior positive_or_zero:
  @ 	assumes val >= 0;
  @ 	ensures \result == \old(val);
  @ behavior negative:
  @ 	assumes val < 0;
  @ 	ensures \result == - (\old(val));
  @ disjoint behaviors;
  @ complete behaviors;
  @ */
static __inline__ uint8 abs8(int8 val)
	uint8 retval;
	/*@ assert ( val < 0 ) || ( val >= 0 ); */
	if ( val >= 0 )
		retval = (uint8)val;
		/*@ assert retval == val; */
		retval = (uint8)(-(val));
		/*@ assert retval == -val; */
	return retval;

void check_fcl_math_abs(void)
	int8 in_int8 = Frama_C_whole_interval_int8();
	uint8 out_uint8 = abs8(in_int8);

Both "assert retval == val" and "retval == - val" become the "unknown" state.

For the function contract I get:
Function abs8, behavior positive_or_zero: postcondition got status unknown.
Function abs8, behavior positive_or_zero: postcondition got status
unknown, but it is unknown if the behavior is active.
Function abs8, behavior negative: postcondition got status unknown.
Function abs8, behavior negative: postcondition got status unknown,
but it is unknown if the behavior is active.

[value] Values for function check_fcl_math_abs:
          in_int8 IN [--..--]
          out_uint8 IN [0..128]

(I have specified a -slevel geater than 2)

In my understanding, at least the asserts should be validated, but I
guess the problem here is my understanding itself.

What means  "it is unknown if the behavior is active"?

Could somebody hint me, please?

Thanks in advance,
Sylvain Nahas