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[Frama-c-discuss] Frama-c_stdlib error


Messages caused from C parsing errors is clearly something which could
be improved.

If I am not mistaken, Frama-C is not intended to be used with the
includes provided by the compiler,
but provide its own set of standard includes, with function contracts.
Furthermore Frama-C is yet really mature for applications relying on
the standard libc.
It is currently mainly used for stand-alone applications.
It is not to say that it _could not_ do it, rather than the
implementation of the standard header has not yet been well tested (so
say the Frama-C developers themselves).

Which compiler are you currently using?
Could you please put copy/paste the relevant extract from your stdlib.h?


On Sat, Feb 25, 2012 at 10:24 PM, Anne <anne.pacalet at> wrote:
> Le 24/02/2012 20:58, Nguy?n C?nh Th??ng a ?crit :
>> @to Anne
>> I'm working with Frama-c Nitrogen in MS window7 environment,
>> I've tried using -cpp-extra-args...
>> but It seems Frama-c doesn't work with stdlib.h
> Sorry, I don't use MS windows... so I cannot help you for that.
>> It always reports
>> /stdlib.h: 319:[kernel] user error: syntax error/
> Do you know which stdlib.h file is used ?
> Did you have a look to the line 319 to try to guess what happening ?
> I cannot help you more: sorry...
> Anne.
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