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[Frama-c-discuss] Evaluation of an expression?

  • Subject: [Frama-c-discuss] Evaluation of an expression?
  • From: dmentre at (David MENTRE)
  • Date: Mon, 9 Jan 2012 09:21:17 +0100


In a course, I would like to illustrate how one can control precision
of Frama-C value analysis. I'm using following example:
int x, y, z;

void main(int c)
  x = c ? 0 : 1;
  y = x ? 0 : 1;
  z = 10 / (x - y);

I'm using Frama-C Nitrogen or Carbon (depending of the machine). In
both cases, I'm calling Frama-C with:
  frama-c-gui -val possible-zero.c
  frama-c-gui -val -slevel 2 possible-zero.c

In the second case, the assertion "(x - y) != 0" is not inserted,
which is I wanted.

However, if I do "Evalute expression" at "z = ..." for "x - y", I get
{-1; 0; 1; }. I would have expected {-1; 1;} as the assertion is not

Any explanation?

Best regards,