Frama-C-discuss mailing list archives

This page gathers the archives of the old Frama-C-discuss archives, that was hosted by Inria's gforge before its demise at the end of 2020. To search for mails newer than September 2020, please visit the page of the new mailing list on Renater.

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[Frama-c-discuss] Inserting global annotation into the AST


2012/3/20 Boris Hollas <hollas at>:
> I want to define global annotations that are associated to functions and
> insert these into the AST. I use an inplace visitor and I want to
> generate the global annotations in method vfunc, as they are associated
> to the function being visited. I assume that I can't insert these
> annotations by overriding vglob_aux as vglob_aux wouldn't be invoked if
> there were no globals in the original source. Also, I want the global
> annotations the be inserted before the function definition.

If you have a function, there is necessarily a GFun _ global
somewhere. Thus, you can use vglob_aux to add new globals before the
function, e.g. with
a list that is filled when visiting the fundec and used in a
post-action via ChangeDoChildrenPost in vglob_aux.

Best regards,
E tutto per oggi, a la prossima volta