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[Frama-c-discuss] Jessie plugin

Actually, the structure of the code is the follow:

float beta[4];   // global variable

ComputeValue ()
 beta[0]= value x;
 beta[1]= value y;


If I understood the comment, the variable is the same (array Beta).
But when I look at  the function limitValue I have two pointers distinct.
I couldn?t understand why my behavior specification is invalid.
What should I do?
What is the correct specification for my function?


2012/5/3 Claude Marche <Claude.Marche at>

> Hi,
>  ------------------------------**------------------------------**
>> ------------------------------**-------------------
>> 1) I would like to use behavior specification (see the function below).
>> But I couldn?t prove the Vcs
>> related with the behavior one:
>> I didn't understand the problem. If I don?t use behavior , I have all
>> the proven VCs.
>> /*@ assigns \nothing;
>>   @ ensures \result == \abs(x);
>> @*/
>> extern double fabs(double x);
>> #define LIMIT 6.111111e-2
>> /*@ requires \valid(AB_Ptr) && \valid(CD_Ptr);
> The right question is: are AB_Ptr and CD_ptr separated ? My guess is that
> if you pass the same pointer for both arguments, your contract with
> behaviors does not hold.
> - Claude
> --
> Claude March?                          | tel: +33 1 72 92 59 69
> INRIA Saclay - ?le-de-France           |
> Universit? Paris-sud, Bat. 650         |
> F-91405 ORSAY Cedex                    |
> ______________________________**_________________
> Frama-c-discuss mailing list
> Frama-c-discuss at lists.gforge.**<Frama-c-discuss at>
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