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[Frama-c-discuss] installation on Ubuntu

On Mon, Aug 26, 2013 at 5:03 PM, Stephen Siegel <siegel at> wrote:

> Then I typed "sudo apt-get install ocaml".  When that is done:
> student at ubuntu12:~$ ls /usr/local/lib
> ocaml  python2.7  python3.2
> student at ubuntu12:~$ ls /usr/local/lib/ocaml/
> 3.12.1
> student at ubuntu12:~$ ls /usr/local/lib/ocaml/3.12.1/
> stublibs
> student at ubuntu12:~$ ls /usr/local/lib/ocaml/3.12.1/stublibs/
> student at ubuntu12:~$
> So apt-get install sets up this trivial directory structure in
> /usr/local/lib, while all the real stuff goes in /usr/lib/ocaml.  I then
> executed "sudo apt-get install libzarith-ocaml-dev", which put zarith in
> /usr/lib/ocaml/zarith.

I see. Thanks for taking the time to explain.

> Thanks for explaining what Zarith is for---I didn't have any idea, only
> the sort of discouraging message about using the less efficient library.

This message was supposed to be reassuring!

Zarith is a modern multi-precision integer library based on GMP. OCaml also
contains a historical multi-precision integer library which is less
efficient than Zarith in all respects. The historical library is used if
Zarith is not found. A thin compatibility layer inside Frama-C allows to
use one or the other with identical functionality.

An alternative to the creation of the symlink may be to invoke Frama-C's
configure with --enable-zarith=/usr/lib/ocaml/zarith

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