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[Frama-c-discuss] introducing hypothesis with ACSL on sets of array elements witk Frama-C/Value

  • Subject: [Frama-c-discuss] introducing hypothesis with ACSL on sets of array elements witk Frama-C/Value
  • From: stephane.duprat at (DUPRAT Stephane)
  • Date: Wed, 17 Jul 2013 20:14:50 +0000
  • In-reply-to: <>
  • References: <569C6D7D26484241A530B87F45ADE1F80CBD5C40@AOFRWMBXRSC004.resources.atosorigin.local> <>


Thank you for the answer, Matthieu.
It still remains the solution of introducing these hypothesis by a C function calling f1 and performing some initialization in the context. But it is not an ACSL solution.



-----Message d'origine-----
De : Matthieu Lemerre [mailto:matthieu.lemerre at]
Envoy? : mercredi 17 juillet 2013 19:21
? : DUPRAT Stephane; Frama-C public discussion
Objet : Re: [Frama-c-discuss] introducing hypothesis with ACSL on sets of array elements witk Frama-C/Value


DUPRAT Stephane <stephane.duprat at> writes:

> I deduce that :
> -          The tool is able to evaluate a simple element (tab1[5]==5)
> -          An hypothesis introduces by ACSL on a simple element (tab1[2]==2) is propagated in the program
> -          The tool is able to evaluate a set of elements (tab2[6..7]==67)
> -          An hypothesis introduces by ACSL on a set of elements (tab2[2..3]==23) is not propagated in the program

Those are all correct.

> The question is for the last item, if there is a way to introduce
> hypothesys on sets of elements ?

The only way to do that at the moment would be to perform some new developments in the implementation of the reduction strategy in the logic by the value analysis plugin...

Best regards,


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