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[Frama-c-discuss] WP failing to prove a simple absence of RTE unsigned overflow


I looked into one of the unproved VCs 
("secp256k1_fe_mul_inner_assert_rte_unsigned_overflow_38" attached),
and I think that it is not valid.

The VC is of the form:

goal overflow_38:
   "some context" ->
   x_9 <= 67108863 ->
   x_10 <= 1073741823 ->
   x_9 * x_10 <= 4294967295

So, you are trying to show that "x_9 * x_10 <= 4294967295" always holds 
under the given context  (i.e. for every
possible values for x_9 and x_10). But this is not true when taking, for 
instance, x_9 = 67108863  and x_10 = 1073741823.


Senior R&D Engineer, OCamlPro
Research Associate, VALS team, LRI.

Le 04/11/2014 00:14, Gregory Maxwell a ?crit :
> Greetings, I haven't used frama-c in some time, it's changed quite a
> bit (and I've likely forgotten even more...) and I'm having a hard
> time making progress with it at all this time around.
> I'm working on libsecp256k1 a free software cryptographic signature
> library which will be used by the reference Bitcoin software;
> verifying that optimized implementations are exactly correct is
> critical for this application
> I'm trying to prove some simple theorems about some inner kernels used
> for field arithmetic.
> To start with, I need to first prove that the code is overflow free,
> under assumptions. (I don't just need to do this to make WP happy, its
> required for correctness of the code.
> Here is a reduced testcase that I'm trying:
> $ cat a.c
> #include <stdint.h>
> /*@ requires \valid(a + (0..9));
>      requires \valid(b + (0..9));
>      requires (a[0] < 1073741824);
>      requires (a[1] < 1073741824);
>      requires (a[2] < 1073741824);
>      requires (a[3] < 1073741824);
>      requires (a[4] < 1073741824);
>      requires (a[5] < 1073741824);
>      requires (a[6] < 1073741824);
>      requires (a[7] < 1073741824);
>      requires (a[8] < 1073741824);
>      requires (a[9] < 67108864);
>      requires (b[0] < 1073741824);
>      requires (b[1] < 1073741824);
>      requires (b[2] < 1073741824);
>      requires (b[3] < 1073741824);
>      requires (b[4] < 1073741824);
>      requires (b[5] < 1073741824);
>      requires (b[6] < 1073741824);
>      requires (b[7] < 1073741824);
>      requires (b[8] < 1073741824);
>      requires (b[9] < 67108864);
> */
> void static inline secp256k1_fe_mul_inner(const uint32_t *a, const
> uint32_t *b, uint32_t *r) {
>      uint64_t d;
>      d  = (uint64_t)a[0] * b[9]
>         + (uint64_t)a[1] * b[8]
>         + (uint64_t)a[2] * b[7]
>         + (uint64_t)a[3] * b[6]
>         + (uint64_t)a[4] * b[5]
>         + (uint64_t)a[5] * b[4]
>         + (uint64_t)a[6] * b[3]
>         + (uint64_t)a[7] * b[2]
>         + (uint64_t)a[8] * b[1]
>         + (uint64_t)a[9] * b[0];
> }
> I invoke frama-c with:
> frama-c -main secp256k1_fe_mul_inner -lib-entry -wp -wp-timeout 300
> -wp-par 1 -wp-rte a.c
> And get some successful proof for memory access, followed by alt-ergo
> returning unknown on the overflow checks:
> [...]
> [wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal
> typed_secp256k1_fe_mul_inner_assert_rte_mem_access_20 : Valid
> (Qed:1ms) (93ms) (74)
> [wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal
> typed_secp256k1_fe_mul_inner_assert_rte_unsigned_overflow : Unknown
> (Qed:4ms) (4s)
> [wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal
> typed_secp256k1_fe_mul_inner_assert_rte_unsigned_overflow_2 : Unknown
> (Qed:5ms) (4s)
> This is obviously free of overflows, since  1073741824*1073741824*8 +
> 1073741824*67108864*2 < 2^64
> (but the non-reduced code, is less trivial
> ... which is why I'm starting with just proving overflows since the
> hand verifiable correctness proof in the comments assumes no
> overflow).
> I'm using alt-ergo 0.95.1 and frama-c Neon-20140301
> Any suggestions?
> _______________________________________________
> Frama-c-discuss mailing list
> Frama-c-discuss at

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(*                                                                        *)
(*  The Why3 Verification Platform   /   The Why3 Development Team        *)
(*  Copyright 2010-2013   --   INRIA - CNRS - Paris-Sud University        *)
(*                                                                        *)
(*  This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU Lesser        *)
(*  General Public License version 2.1, with the special exception        *)
(*  on linking described in file LICENSE.                                 *)
(*                                                                        *)
(*  File modified by CEA (Commissariat ? l'?nergie atomique et aux        *)
(*                        ?nergies alternatives).                         *)
(*                                                                        *)

(* this is a prelude for Alt-Ergo*)
(* this is a prelude for Alt-Ergo integer arithmetic *)
(** The theory BuiltIn_ must be appended to this file*)
(** The theory Bool_ must be appended to this file*)
(*                                                                        *)
(*  The Why3 Verification Platform   /   The Why3 Development Team        *)
(*  Copyright 2010-2013   --   INRIA - CNRS - Paris-Sud University        *)
(*                                                                        *)
(*  This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU Lesser        *)
(*  General Public License version 2.1, with the special exception        *)
(*  on linking described in file LICENSE.                                 *)
(*                                                                        *)
(*  File modified by CEA (Commissariat ? l'?nergie atomique et aux        *)
(*                        ?nergies alternatives).                         *)
(*                                                                        *)

(* this is a prelude for Alt-Ergo*)
(** The theory BuiltIn_ must be appended to this file*)
(** The theory Bool_ must be appended to this file*)
(** The theory int_Int_ must be appended to this file*)
logic abs_int : int -> int

axiom abs_def : (forall x:int. ((0 <= x) -> (abs_int(x) = x)))

axiom abs_def1 : (forall x:int. ((not (0 <= x)) -> (abs_int(x) = (-x))))

axiom Abs_le :
  (forall x:int. forall y:int. ((abs_int(x) <= y) -> ((-y) <= x)))

axiom Abs_le1 : (forall x:int. forall y:int. ((abs_int(x) <= y) -> (x <= y)))

axiom Abs_le2 :
  (forall x:int. forall y:int. ((((-y) <= x) and (x <= y)) ->
  (abs_int(x) <= y)))

axiom Abs_pos : (forall x:int. (0 <= abs_int(x)))

(*                                                                        *)
(*  The Why3 Verification Platform   /   The Why3 Development Team        *)
(*  Copyright 2010-2013   --   INRIA - CNRS - Paris-Sud University        *)
(*                                                                        *)
(*  This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU Lesser        *)
(*  General Public License version 2.1, with the special exception        *)
(*  on linking described in file LICENSE.                                 *)
(*                                                                        *)
(*  File modified by CEA (Commissariat ? l'?nergie atomique et aux        *)
(*                        ?nergies alternatives).                         *)
(*                                                                        *)

(* this is a prelude for Alt-Ergo*)
logic safe_comp_div: int, int -> int
axiom safe_comp_div_def: forall x, y:int. x >= 0 and y > 0 -> safe_comp_div(x,y) = x / y
logic safe_comp_mod: int, int -> int
axiom safe_comp_mod_def: forall x, y:int. x >= 0 and y > 0 -> safe_comp_mod(x,y) = x % y
(** The theory BuiltIn_ must be appended to this file*)
(** The theory Bool_ must be appended to this file*)
(** The theory int_Int_ must be appended to this file*)
(** The theory int_Abs_ must be appended to this file*)
axiom Div_bound :
  (forall x:int. forall y:int. (((0 <= x) and (0 <  y)) ->
  (0 <= safe_comp_div(x,y))))

axiom Div_bound1 :
  (forall x:int. forall y:int. (((0 <= x) and (0 <  y)) ->
  (safe_comp_div(x,y) <= x)))

axiom Div_1 : (forall x:int. (safe_comp_div(x,1) = x))

axiom Mod_1 : (forall x:int. (safe_comp_mod(x,1) = 0))

axiom Div_inf :
  (forall x:int. forall y:int. (((0 <= x) and (x <  y)) ->
  (safe_comp_div(x,y) = 0)))

axiom Mod_inf :
  (forall x:int. forall y:int. (((0 <= x) and (x <  y)) ->
  (safe_comp_mod(x,y) = x)))

axiom Div_mult :
  (forall x:int. forall y:int. forall z:int [safe_comp_div(((x * y) + z),x)].
  (((0 <  x) and ((0 <= y) and (0 <= z))) ->
  (safe_comp_div(((x * y) + z),x) = (y + safe_comp_div(z,x)))))

axiom Mod_mult :
  (forall x:int. forall y:int. forall z:int [safe_comp_mod(((x * y) + z),x)].
  (((0 <  x) and ((0 <= y) and (0 <= z))) ->
  (safe_comp_mod(((x * y) + z),x) = safe_comp_mod(z,x))))

(*                                                                        *)
(*  The Why3 Verification Platform   /   The Why3 Development Team        *)
(*  Copyright 2010-2013   --   INRIA - CNRS - Paris-Sud University        *)
(*                                                                        *)
(*  This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU Lesser        *)
(*  General Public License version 2.1, with the special exception        *)
(*  on linking described in file LICENSE.                                 *)
(*                                                                        *)
(*  File modified by CEA (Commissariat ? l'?nergie atomique et aux        *)
(*                        ?nergies alternatives).                         *)
(*                                                                        *)

(* this is a prelude for Alt-Ergo*)
(* this is a prelude for Alt-Ergo real arithmetic *)
(** The theory BuiltIn_ must be appended to this file*)
(** The theory Bool_ must be appended to this file*)
axiom add_div :
  (forall x:real. forall y:real. forall z:real. ((not (z = 0.0)) ->
  (((x + y) / z) = ((x / z) + (y / z)))))

axiom sub_div :
  (forall x:real. forall y:real. forall z:real. ((not (z = 0.0)) ->
  (((x - y) / z) = ((x / z) - (y / z)))))

axiom neg_div :
  (forall x:real. forall y:real. ((not (y = 0.0)) ->
  (((-x) / y) = (-(x / y)))))

axiom assoc_mul_div :
  (forall x:real. forall y:real. forall z:real. ((not (z = 0.0)) ->
  (((x * y) / z) = (x * (y / z)))))

axiom assoc_div_mul :
  (forall x:real. forall y:real. forall z:real. (((not (y = 0.0)) and
  (not (z = 0.0))) -> (((x / y) / z) = (x / (y * z)))))

axiom assoc_div_div :
  (forall x:real. forall y:real. forall z:real. (((not (y = 0.0)) and
  (not (z = 0.0))) -> ((x / (y / z)) = ((x * z) / y))))

(*                                                                        *)
(*  The Why3 Verification Platform   /   The Why3 Development Team        *)
(*  Copyright 2010-2013   --   INRIA - CNRS - Paris-Sud University        *)
(*                                                                        *)
(*  This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU Lesser        *)
(*  General Public License version 2.1, with the special exception        *)
(*  on linking described in file LICENSE.                                 *)
(*                                                                        *)
(*  File modified by CEA (Commissariat ? l'?nergie atomique et aux        *)
(*                        ?nergies alternatives).                         *)
(*                                                                        *)

(* this is a prelude for Alt-Ergo*)
(** The theory BuiltIn_ must be appended to this file*)
(** The theory Bool_ must be appended to this file*)
(** The theory real_Real_ must be appended to this file*)
(*                                                                        *)
(*  The Why3 Verification Platform   /   The Why3 Development Team        *)
(*  Copyright 2010-2013   --   INRIA - CNRS - Paris-Sud University        *)
(*                                                                        *)
(*  This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU Lesser        *)
(*  General Public License version 2.1, with the special exception        *)
(*  on linking described in file LICENSE.                                 *)
(*                                                                        *)
(*  File modified by CEA (Commissariat ? l'?nergie atomique et aux        *)
(*                        ?nergies alternatives).                         *)
(*                                                                        *)

(* this is a prelude for Alt-Ergo*)
(** The theory BuiltIn_ must be appended to this file*)
(** The theory Bool_ must be appended to this file*)
(** The theory int_Int_ must be appended to this file*)
(** The theory real_Real_ must be appended to this file*)
logic from_int : int -> real

axiom Zero : (from_int(0) = 0.0)

axiom One : (from_int(1) = 1.0)

axiom Add :
  (forall x:int. forall y:int.
  (from_int((x + y)) = (from_int(x) + from_int(y))))

axiom Sub :
  (forall x:int. forall y:int.
  (from_int((x - y)) = (from_int(x) - from_int(y))))

axiom Mul :
  (forall x:int. forall y:int.
  (from_int((x * y)) = (from_int(x) * from_int(y))))

axiom Neg : (forall x:int. (from_int((-x)) = (-from_int(x))))

(*                                                                        *)
(*  This file is part of WP plug-in of Frama-C.                           *)
(*                                                                        *)
(*  Copyright (C) 2007-2014                                               *)
(*    CEA (Commissariat a l'energie atomique et aux energies              *)
(*         alternatives)                                                  *)
(*                                                                        *)
(*  you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU   *)
(*  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software       *)
(*  Foundation, version 2.1.                                              *)
(*                                                                        *)
(*  It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                 *)
(*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *)
(*  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.                   *)
(*                                                                        *)
(*  See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1                 *)
(*  for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1).            *)
(*                                                                        *)

(* this is a prelude for Alt-Ergo*)
(** The theory BuiltIn_ must be appended to this file*)
(** The theory Bool_ must be appended to this file*)
(** The theory bool_Bool_ must be appended to this file*)
(** The theory int_Int_ must be appended to this file*)
(** The theory int_Abs_ must be appended to this file*)
(** The theory int_ComputerDivision_ must be appended to this file*)
(** The theory real_Real_ must be appended to this file*)
(** The theory real_RealInfix_ must be appended to this file*)
(** The theory real_FromInt_ must be appended to this file*)
logic ite : bool, 'a, 'a -> 'a

axiom ite1 :
  (forall p:bool. forall x:'a. forall y:'a [ite(p, x, y)]. (((p = true) and
  (ite(p, x, y) = x)) or ((p = false) and (ite(p, x, y) = y))))

logic eqb : 'a, 'a -> bool

axiom eqb1 : (forall x:'a. forall y:'a. ((eqb(x, y) = true) -> (x = y)))

axiom eqb2 : (forall x:'a. forall y:'a. ((x = y) -> (eqb(x, y) = true)))

logic neqb : 'a, 'a -> bool

axiom neqb1 :
  (forall x:'a. forall y:'a. ((neqb(x, y) = true) -> (not (x = y))))

axiom neqb2 :
  (forall x:'a. forall y:'a. ((not (x = y)) -> (neqb(x, y) = true)))

logic zlt : int, int -> bool

logic zleq : int, int -> bool

axiom zlt1 : (forall x:int. forall y:int. ((zlt(x, y) = true) -> (x <  y)))

axiom zlt2 : (forall x:int. forall y:int. ((x <  y) -> (zlt(x, y) = true)))

axiom zleq1 : (forall x:int. forall y:int. ((zleq(x, y) = true) -> (x <= y)))

axiom zleq2 : (forall x:int. forall y:int. ((x <= y) -> (zleq(x, y) = true)))

logic rlt : real, real -> bool

logic rleq : real, real -> bool

axiom rlt1 : (forall x:real. forall y:real. ((rlt(x, y) = true) -> (x <  y)))

axiom rlt2 : (forall x:real. forall y:real. ((x <  y) -> (rlt(x, y) = true)))

axiom rleq1 :
  (forall x:real. forall y:real. ((rleq(x, y) = true) -> (x <= y)))

axiom rleq2 :
  (forall x:real. forall y:real. ((x <= y) -> (rleq(x, y) = true)))

logic truncate : real -> int

function real_of_int(x: int) : real = from_int(x)

axiom truncate_of_int : (forall x:int. (truncate(real_of_int(x)) = x))

axiom c_euclidian :
  (forall n:int. forall d:int [safe_comp_div(n,d), safe_comp_mod(n,d)].
  ((not (d = 0)) -> (n = ((safe_comp_div(n,d) * d) + safe_comp_mod(n,d)))))

axiom cdiv_cases :
  (forall n:int. forall d:int [safe_comp_div(n,d)]. ((0 <= n) -> ((0 <  d) ->
  (safe_comp_div(n,d) = (n / d)))))

axiom cdiv_cases1 :
  (forall n:int. forall d:int [safe_comp_div(n,d)]. ((n <= 0) -> ((0 <  d) ->
  (safe_comp_div(n,d) = (-((-n) / d))))))

axiom cdiv_cases2 :
  (forall n:int. forall d:int [safe_comp_div(n,d)]. ((0 <= n) -> ((d <  0) ->
  (safe_comp_div(n,d) = (-(n / (-d)))))))

axiom cdiv_cases3 :
  (forall n:int. forall d:int [safe_comp_div(n,d)]. ((n <= 0) -> ((d <  0) ->
  (safe_comp_div(n,d) = ((-n) / (-d))))))

axiom cmod_cases :
  (forall n:int. forall d:int [safe_comp_mod(n,d)]. ((0 <= n) -> ((0 <  d) ->
  (safe_comp_mod(n,d) = (n % d)))))

axiom cmod_cases1 :
  (forall n:int. forall d:int [safe_comp_mod(n,d)]. ((n <= 0) -> ((0 <  d) ->
  (safe_comp_mod(n,d) = (-((-n) % d))))))

axiom cmod_cases2 :
  (forall n:int. forall d:int [safe_comp_mod(n,d)]. ((0 <= n) -> ((d <  0) ->
  (safe_comp_mod(n,d) = (n % (-d))))))

axiom cmod_cases3 :
  (forall n:int. forall d:int [safe_comp_mod(n,d)]. ((n <= 0) -> ((d <  0) ->
  (safe_comp_mod(n,d) = (-((-n) % (-d)))))))

axiom cmod_remainder :
  (forall n:int. forall d:int [safe_comp_mod(n,d)]. ((0 <= n) -> ((0 <  d) ->
  (0 <= safe_comp_mod(n,d)))))

axiom cmod_remainder1 :
  (forall n:int. forall d:int [safe_comp_mod(n,d)]. ((0 <= n) -> ((0 <  d) ->
  (safe_comp_mod(n,d) <  d))))

axiom cmod_remainder2 :
  (forall n:int. forall d:int [safe_comp_mod(n,d)]. ((n <= 0) -> ((0 <  d) ->
  ((-d) <  safe_comp_mod(n,d)))))

axiom cmod_remainder3 :
  (forall n:int. forall d:int [safe_comp_mod(n,d)]. ((n <= 0) -> ((0 <  d) ->
  (safe_comp_mod(n,d) <= 0))))

axiom cmod_remainder4 :
  (forall n:int. forall d:int [safe_comp_mod(n,d)]. ((0 <= n) -> ((d <  0) ->
  (0 <= safe_comp_mod(n,d)))))

axiom cmod_remainder5 :
  (forall n:int. forall d:int [safe_comp_mod(n,d)]. ((0 <= n) -> ((d <  0) ->
  (safe_comp_mod(n,d) <  (-d)))))

axiom cmod_remainder6 :
  (forall n:int. forall d:int [safe_comp_mod(n,d)]. ((n <= 0) -> ((d <  0) ->
  (d <  safe_comp_mod(n,d)))))

axiom cmod_remainder7 :
  (forall n:int. forall d:int [safe_comp_mod(n,d)]. ((n <= 0) -> ((d <  0) ->
  (safe_comp_mod(n,d) <= 0))))

axiom cdiv_neutral :
  (forall a:int [safe_comp_div(a,1)]. (safe_comp_div(a,1) = a))

axiom cdiv_inv :
  (forall a:int [safe_comp_div(a,a)]. ((not (a = 0)) ->
  (safe_comp_div(a,a) = 1)))

(*                                                                        *)
(*  This file is part of WP plug-in of Frama-C.                           *)
(*                                                                        *)
(*  Copyright (C) 2007-2014                                               *)
(*    CEA (Commissariat a l'energie atomique et aux energies              *)
(*         alternatives)                                                  *)
(*                                                                        *)
(*  you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU   *)
(*  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software       *)
(*  Foundation, version 2.1.                                              *)
(*                                                                        *)
(*  It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                 *)
(*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *)
(*  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.                   *)
(*                                                                        *)
(*  See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1                 *)
(*  for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1).            *)
(*                                                                        *)

(* this is a prelude for Alt-Ergo*)
(** The theory BuiltIn_ must be appended to this file*)
(** The theory Bool_ must be appended to this file*)
(** The theory bool_Bool_ must be appended to this file*)
(** The theory int_Int_ must be appended to this file*)
(** The theory map_Map_ must be appended to this file*)
type addr = { base : int; offset : int

logic addr_le : addr, addr -> prop

logic addr_lt : addr, addr -> prop

logic addr_le_bool : addr, addr -> bool

logic addr_lt_bool : addr, addr -> bool

axiom addr_le_def :
  (forall p:addr. forall q:addr [addr_le(p, q)]. (((p).base = (q).base) ->
  (addr_le(p, q) -> ((p).offset <= (q).offset))))

axiom addr_le_def1 :
  (forall p:addr. forall q:addr [addr_le(p, q)]. (((p).base = (q).base) ->
  (((p).offset <= (q).offset) -> addr_le(p, q))))

axiom addr_lt_def :
  (forall p:addr. forall q:addr [addr_lt(p, q)]. (((p).base = (q).base) ->
  (addr_lt(p, q) -> ((p).offset <  (q).offset))))

axiom addr_lt_def1 :
  (forall p:addr. forall q:addr [addr_lt(p, q)]. (((p).base = (q).base) ->
  (((p).offset <  (q).offset) -> addr_lt(p, q))))

axiom addr_le_bool_def :
  (forall p:addr. forall q:addr [addr_le_bool(p, q)]. (addr_le(p, q) ->
  (addr_le_bool(p, q) = true)))

axiom addr_le_bool_def1 :
  (forall p:addr. forall q:addr [addr_le_bool(p, q)]. ((addr_le_bool(p,
  q) = true) -> addr_le(p, q)))

axiom addr_lt_bool_def :
  (forall p:addr. forall q:addr [addr_lt_bool(p, q)]. (addr_lt(p, q) ->
  (addr_lt_bool(p, q) = true)))

axiom addr_lt_bool_def1 :
  (forall p:addr. forall q:addr [addr_lt_bool(p, q)]. ((addr_lt_bool(p,
  q) = true) -> addr_lt(p, q)))

function null() : addr = { base = 0; offset = 0 }

function global(b: int) : addr = { base = b; offset = 0 }

function shift(p: addr, k: int) : addr = { base = (p).base; offset =
  ((p).offset + k) }

predicate included(p: addr, a: int, q: addr, b: int) = ((0 <  a) ->
  ((0 <= b) and (((p).base = (q).base) and (((q).offset <= (p).offset) and
  (((p).offset + a) <= ((q).offset + b))))))

predicate separated(p: addr, a: int, q: addr, b: int) = ((a <= 0) or
  ((b <= 0) or ((not ((p).base = (q).base)) or
  ((((q).offset + b) <= (p).offset) or (((p).offset + a) <= (q).offset)))))

predicate eqmem(m1: (addr,'a) farray, m2: (addr,'a) farray, p: addr,
  a1: int) =
  (forall q:addr [(m1[p])| (m2[q])]. (included(q, 1, p, a1) ->
  ((m1[q]) = (m2[q]))))

predicate havoc(m1: (addr,'a) farray, m2: (addr,'a) farray, p: addr,
  a1: int) =
  (forall q:addr [(m1[p])| (m2[q])]. (separated(q, 1, p, a1) ->
  ((m1[q]) = (m2[q]))))

predicate valid_rd(m: (int,int) farray, p: addr, n: int) = ((0 <  n) ->
  ((0 <= (p).offset) and (((p).offset + n) <= (m[(p).base]))))

predicate valid_rw(m: (int,int) farray, p: addr, n: int) = ((0 <  n) ->
  ((0 <  (p).base) and ((0 <= (p).offset) and
  (((p).offset + n) <= (m[(p).base])))))

axiom valid_rw_rd :
  (forall m:(int,int) farray.
  (forall p:addr. (forall n:int. (valid_rw(m, p, n) -> valid_rd(m, p, n)))))

axiom valid_string :
  (forall m:(int,int) farray.
  (forall p:addr. (((p).base <  0) -> (((0 <= (p).offset) and
  ((p).offset <  (m[(p).base]))) -> valid_rd(m, p, 1)))))

axiom valid_string1 :
  (forall m:(int,int) farray.
  (forall p:addr. (((p).base <  0) -> (((0 <= (p).offset) and
  ((p).offset <  (m[(p).base]))) -> (not valid_rw(m, p, 1))))))

axiom separated_1 :
  (forall p:addr. forall q:addr.
  (forall a:int. forall b:int. forall i:int. forall j:int [separated(p, a, q,
  b), { base = (p).base; offset = i }, { base = (q).base; offset = j }].
  (separated(p, a, q, b) -> ((((p).offset <= i) and
  (i <  ((p).offset + a))) -> ((((q).offset <= j) and
  (j <  ((q).offset + b))) -> (not ({ base = (p).base; offset = i } = {
  base = (q).base; offset = j })))))))

logic region : int -> int

logic linked : (int,int) farray -> prop

logic sconst : (addr,int) farray -> prop

predicate framed(m: (addr,addr) farray) =
  (forall p:addr [(m[p])]. (region(((m[p])).base) <= 0))

axiom separated_included :
  (forall p:addr. forall q:addr.
  (forall a:int. forall b:int [separated(p, a, q, b), included(p, a, q, b)].
  ((0 <  a) -> ((0 <  b) -> (separated(p, a, q, b) -> (not included(p, a, q,

axiom included_trans :
  (forall p:addr. forall q:addr. forall r:addr.
  (forall a:int. forall b:int. forall c:int [included(p, a, q, b),
  included(q, b, r, c)]. (included(p, a, q, b) -> (included(q, b, r, c) ->
  included(p, a, r, c)))))

axiom separated_trans :
  (forall p:addr. forall q:addr. forall r:addr.
  (forall a:int. forall b:int. forall c:int [included(p, a, q, b),
  separated(q, b, r, c)]. (included(p, a, q, b) -> (separated(q, b, r, c) ->
  separated(p, a, r, c)))))

axiom separated_sym :
  (forall p:addr. forall q:addr.
  (forall a:int. forall b:int [separated(p, a, q, b)]. (separated(p, a, q,
  b) -> separated(q, b, p, a))))

axiom separated_sym1 :
  (forall p:addr. forall q:addr.
  (forall a:int. forall b:int [separated(p, a, q, b)]. (separated(q, b, p,
  a) -> separated(p, a, q, b))))

axiom eqmem_included :
  (forall m1:(addr,'a) farray. forall m2:(addr,'a) farray.
  (forall p:addr. forall q:addr.
  (forall a1:int. forall b:int [eqmem(m1, m2, p, a1), eqmem(m1, m2, q, b)].
  (included(p, a1, q, b) -> (eqmem(m1, m2, q, b) -> eqmem(m1, m2, p, a1))))))

axiom eqmem_sym :
  (forall m1:(addr,'a) farray. forall m2:(addr,'a) farray.
  (forall p:addr.
  (forall a1:int. (eqmem(m1, m2, p, a1) -> eqmem(m2, m1, p, a1)))))

axiom havoc_sym :
  (forall m1:(addr,'a) farray. forall m2:(addr,'a) farray.
  (forall p:addr.
  (forall a1:int. (havoc(m1, m2, p, a1) -> havoc(m2, m1, p, a1)))))

logic cast : addr -> int

axiom cast_injective :
  (forall p:addr. forall q:addr [cast(p), cast(q)]. ((cast(p) = cast(q)) ->
  (p = q)))

logic hardware : int -> int

axiom hardnull : (hardware(0) = 0)

(*                                                                        *)
(*  This file is part of WP plug-in of Frama-C.                           *)
(*                                                                        *)
(*  Copyright (C) 2007-2014                                               *)
(*    CEA (Commissariat a l'energie atomique et aux energies              *)
(*         alternatives)                                                  *)
(*                                                                        *)
(*  you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU   *)
(*  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software       *)
(*  Foundation, version 2.1.                                              *)
(*                                                                        *)
(*  It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                 *)
(*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *)
(*  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.                   *)
(*                                                                        *)
(*  See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1                 *)
(*  for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1).            *)
(*                                                                        *)

(* this is a prelude for Alt-Ergo*)
(** The theory BuiltIn_ must be appended to this file*)
(** The theory Bool_ must be appended to this file*)
(** The theory bool_Bool_ must be appended to this file*)
(** The theory int_Int_ must be appended to this file*)
logic is_uint8 : int -> prop

axiom is_uint8_def : (forall x:int [is_uint8(x)]. (is_uint8(x) -> (0 <= x)))

axiom is_uint8_def1 :
  (forall x:int [is_uint8(x)]. (is_uint8(x) -> (x <  256)))

axiom is_uint8_def2 :
  (forall x:int [is_uint8(x)]. (((0 <= x) and (x <  256)) -> is_uint8(x)))

logic is_sint8 : int -> prop

axiom is_sint8_def :
  (forall x:int [is_sint8(x)]. (is_sint8(x) -> ((-128) <= x)))

axiom is_sint8_def1 :
  (forall x:int [is_sint8(x)]. (is_sint8(x) -> (x <  128)))

axiom is_sint8_def2 :
  (forall x:int [is_sint8(x)]. ((((-128) <= x) and (x <  128)) ->

logic is_uint16 : int -> prop

axiom is_uint16_def :
  (forall x:int [is_uint16(x)]. (is_uint16(x) -> (0 <= x)))

axiom is_uint16_def1 :
  (forall x:int [is_uint16(x)]. (is_uint16(x) -> (x <  65536)))

axiom is_uint16_def2 :
  (forall x:int [is_uint16(x)]. (((0 <= x) and (x <  65536)) ->

predicate is_sint16(x: int) = (((-32768) <= x) and (x <  32768))

logic is_uint32 : int -> prop

axiom is_uint32_def :
  (forall x:int [is_uint32(x)]. (is_uint32(x) -> (0 <= x)))

axiom is_uint32_def1 :
  (forall x:int [is_uint32(x)]. (is_uint32(x) -> (x <  4294967296)))

axiom is_uint32_def2 :
  (forall x:int [is_uint32(x)]. (((0 <= x) and (x <  4294967296)) ->

logic is_sint32 : int -> prop

axiom is_sint32_def :
  (forall x:int [is_sint32(x)]. (is_sint32(x) -> ((-2147483648) <= x)))

axiom is_sint32_def1 :
  (forall x:int [is_sint32(x)]. (is_sint32(x) -> (x <  2147483648)))

axiom is_sint32_def2 :
  (forall x:int [is_sint32(x)]. ((((-2147483648) <= x) and
  (x <  2147483648)) -> is_sint32(x)))

logic is_uint64 : int -> prop

axiom is_uint64_def :
  (forall x:int [is_uint64(x)]. (is_uint64(x) -> (0 <= x)))

axiom is_uint64_def1 :
  (forall x:int [is_uint64(x)]. (is_uint64(x) ->
  (x <  18446744073709551616)))

axiom is_uint64_def2 :
  (forall x:int [is_uint64(x)]. (((0 <= x) and
  (x <  18446744073709551616)) -> is_uint64(x)))

logic is_sint64 : int -> prop

axiom is_sint64_def :
  (forall x:int [is_sint64(x)]. (is_sint64(x) ->
  ((-9223372036854775808) <= x)))

axiom is_sint64_def1 :
  (forall x:int [is_sint64(x)]. (is_sint64(x) -> (x <  9223372036854775808)))

axiom is_sint64_def2 :
  (forall x:int [is_sint64(x)]. ((((-9223372036854775808) <= x) and
  (x <  9223372036854775808)) -> is_sint64(x)))

logic to_uint8 : int -> int

logic to_sint8 : int -> int

logic to_uint16 : int -> int

logic to_sint16 : int -> int

logic to_uint32 : int -> int

logic to_sint32 : int -> int

logic to_uint64 : int -> int

logic to_sint64 : int -> int

axiom is_to_uint8 :
  (forall x:int [is_uint8(to_uint8(x))]. is_uint8(to_uint8(x)))

axiom is_to_sint8 :
  (forall x:int [is_sint8(to_sint8(x))]. is_sint8(to_sint8(x)))

axiom is_to_uint16 :
  (forall x:int [is_uint16(to_uint16(x))]. is_uint16(to_uint16(x)))

axiom is_to_sint16 :
  (forall x:int [is_sint16(to_sint16(x))]. is_sint16(to_sint16(x)))

axiom is_to_uint32 :
  (forall x:int [is_uint32(to_uint32(x))]. is_uint32(to_uint32(x)))

axiom is_to_sint32 :
  (forall x:int [is_sint32(to_sint32(x))]. is_sint32(to_sint32(x)))

axiom is_to_uint64 :
  (forall x:int [is_uint64(to_uint64(x))]. is_uint64(to_uint64(x)))

axiom is_to_sint64 :
  (forall x:int [is_sint64(to_sint64(x))]. is_sint64(to_sint64(x)))

axiom id_uint8 :
  (forall x:int [to_uint8(x)]. (((0 <= x) and (x <  256)) ->
  (to_uint8(x) = x)))

axiom id_sint8 :
  (forall x:int [to_sint8(x)]. ((((-128) <= x) and (x <  128)) ->
  (to_sint8(x) = x)))

axiom id_uint16 :
  (forall x:int [to_uint16(x)]. (((0 <= x) and (x <  65536)) ->
  (to_uint16(x) = x)))

axiom id_sint16 :
  (forall x:int [to_sint16(x)]. ((((-32768) <= x) and (x <  32768)) ->
  (to_sint16(x) = x)))

axiom id_uint32 :
  (forall x:int [to_uint32(x)]. (((0 <= x) and (x <  4294967296)) ->
  (to_uint32(x) = x)))

axiom id_sint32 :
  (forall x:int [to_sint32(x)]. ((((-2147483648) <= x) and
  (x <  2147483648)) -> (to_sint32(x) = x)))

axiom id_uint64 :
  (forall x:int [to_uint64(x)]. (((0 <= x) and
  (x <  18446744073709551616)) -> (to_uint64(x) = x)))

axiom id_sint64 :
  (forall x:int [to_sint64(x)]. ((((-9223372036854775808) <= x) and
  (x <  9223372036854775808)) -> (to_sint64(x) = x)))

logic lnot : int -> int

logic ac land : int, int -> int

logic ac lxor : int, int -> int

logic ac lor : int, int -> int

logic lsl : int, int -> int

logic lsr : int, int -> int

logic bit_testb : int, int -> bool

logic bit_test : int, int -> prop

(* ---------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Assertion 'rte,unsigned_overflow' (file a.c, line 37) --- *)
(* ---------------------------------------------------------- *)

goal secp256k1_fe_mul_inner_assert_rte_unsigned_overflow_38:
  forall Malloc_0 : int farray.
  forall Mint_0 : (addr,int) farray.
  forall a_0,b_0 : addr.
  let a_1 = shift(a_0, 0) : addr in
  let x_0 = Mint_0[a_1] : int in
  let x_1 = Mint_0[shift(a_0, 1)] : int in
  let x_2 = Mint_0[shift(a_0, 2)] : int in
  let x_3 = Mint_0[shift(a_0, 3)] : int in
  let x_4 = Mint_0[shift(a_0, 4)] : int in
  let x_5 = Mint_0[shift(a_0, 5)] : int in
  let x_6 = Mint_0[shift(a_0, 6)] : int in
  let x_7 = Mint_0[shift(a_0, 7)] : int in
  let x_8 = Mint_0[shift(a_0, 8)] : int in
  let x_9 = Mint_0[shift(a_0, 9)] : int in
  let a_2 = shift(b_0, 0) : addr in
  let x_10 = Mint_0[a_2] : int in
  let x_11 = Mint_0[shift(b_0, 1)] : int in
  let x_12 = Mint_0[shift(b_0, 2)] : int in
  let x_13 = Mint_0[shift(b_0, 3)] : int in
  let x_14 = Mint_0[shift(b_0, 4)] : int in
  let x_15 = Mint_0[shift(b_0, 5)] : int in
  let x_16 = Mint_0[shift(b_0, 6)] : int in
  let x_17 = Mint_0[shift(b_0, 7)] : int in
  let x_18 = Mint_0[shift(b_0, 8)] : int in
  let x_19 = Mint_0[shift(b_0, 9)] : int in
  linked(Malloc_0) ->
  (x_0 <= 1073741823) ->
  (x_1 <= 1073741823) ->
  (x_2 <= 1073741823) ->
  (x_3 <= 1073741823) ->
  (x_4 <= 1073741823) ->
  (x_5 <= 1073741823) ->
  (x_6 <= 1073741823) ->
  (x_7 <= 1073741823) ->
  (x_8 <= 1073741823) ->
  (x_9 <= 67108863) ->
  (x_10 <= 1073741823) ->
  (x_11 <= 1073741823) ->
  (x_12 <= 1073741823) ->
  (x_13 <= 1073741823) ->
  (x_14 <= 1073741823) ->
  (x_15 <= 1073741823) ->
  (x_16 <= 1073741823) ->
  (x_17 <= 1073741823) ->
  (x_18 <= 1073741823) ->
  (x_19 <= 67108863) ->
  is_uint32(x_0) ->
  is_uint32(x_1) ->
  is_uint32(x_2) ->
  is_uint32(x_3) ->
  is_uint32(x_4) ->
  is_uint32(x_5) ->
  is_uint32(x_6) ->
  is_uint32(x_7) ->
  is_uint32(x_8) ->
  is_uint32(x_9) ->
  is_uint32(x_10) ->
  is_uint32(x_11) ->
  is_uint32(x_12) ->
  is_uint32(x_13) ->
  is_uint32(x_14) ->
  is_uint32(x_15) ->
  is_uint32(x_16) ->
  is_uint32(x_17) ->
  is_uint32(x_18) ->
  is_uint32(x_19) ->
  valid_rw(Malloc_0, a_1, 10) ->
  valid_rw(Malloc_0, a_2, 10) ->
  ((x_9 * x_10) <= 4294967295)