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[Frama-c-discuss] my first frama verification

Hi David,

With the open-source version, I obtain the same results as Tim (at least
until I get bored, and kill the analysis): no initialization warning. On
the other hand, I can reproduce your results, including the analysis time,
by activating option -val-slevel-merge-after-loop @all. Is this option set
by TrustInSoft Analyzer?

Given the way Tim's main function is written, this option completely
changes the number of separate paths that are analyzed:
- with the option set, only one analysis is performed, with an imprecise
value for sz, ksz, buf and kbuf. This is due to the merge that occurs at
the beginning of each loop, regardless of the number of states that
initially enters the loop.
- without this option, the two loops that initialize buf and kbuf separate
sz and ksz into all possible values, resulting in 64 * 256 different


On Fri, Aug 21, 2015 at 9:46 AM, David MENTRE <dmentre at>

> Hello Tim,
> Le 21/08/2015 09:00, David MENTRE a écrit :
>> YMMV. I haven't look at your code, but it might appear that your
>> specific code indeed needs hours to check due to some very complex
>> functions. Or you need optimizations provided by TrustInSoft Analyser
>> (for memcpy and the like functions). ;-)
> For what is worth, your code is analysed in 1m40s with TrustInSoft
> Analyser.
> It found 6 warnings:
> bits.c:12:[kernel] warning: accessing uninitialized left-value: assert
> \initialized(&byte);
> sha2.c:377:[kernel] warning: accessing uninitialized left-value: assert
> \initialized(&tmp);
> auth.c:32:[kernel] warning: accessing uninitialized left-value: assert
> \initialized(x);
> frama-driver.c:34:[value] Assertion got status unknown.
> auth.c:64:[value] Function auth: precondition got status unknown.
> auth.c:93:[value] Assertion got status unknown.
> DISCLAIMER: I did this verification very quickly, so I might have badly
> configured Frama-C or missed an obvious error message!
> I join to the email the resulting verification log. I didn't look at
> verification result to understand the warnings.
> Best regards,
> david
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> Frama-c-discuss mailing list
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