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[Frama-c-discuss] matrix addition

  • Subject: [Frama-c-discuss] matrix addition
  • From: virgile.prevosto at (Virgile Prevosto)
  • Date: Tue, 20 Jun 2017 14:39:13 +0200
  • In-reply-to: <21e9-5947b700-2b7-12a6dac0@145891439>
  • References: <21e9-5947b700-2b7-12a6dac0@145891439>


2017-06-19 13:36 GMT+02:00 CLAVIERE Arthur <
Arthur.CLAVIERE at>:

> I want to prove the correctness of a simple function which adds two 3-by-3
> matrices. Using wp plug-in, I can prove the assign clause but I can't prove
> the ensures clause (I use the real model for computing weakest
> preconditions). Did I forget a precondition, is it a known problem ?
> Regards,
As long as you use `-wp-model +real`, your specification looks ok. It's
just that the provers seem to have some difficulties with the proof
obligations generated by WP (I suspect that the separation properties get a
little messy so that they fail to distinguish between the array cells that
are updated and the others). Fortunately, since Frama-C 15 Phosporus, you
can help them a little bit by writing scripts directly within the WP
(double-click on the `Script` column in the `WP Goals` tab for the PO you
want to complete interactively. The user interface (see also section 2.3 of
WP's user manual) is still a bit rough, but in the end, it can get the job
done. Attached is an archive containing the 3 scripts needed to complete
the proofs in your development. To use it, extract it somewhere and use the
following command (adapting path to directory matrix_script and/or matrix.c
if needed)

frama-c -wp -wp-model +real -wp-session matrix_script -wp-prover
script,alt-ergo matrix.c

Best regards,
E tutto per oggi, a la prossima volta
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