Frama-C-discuss mailing list archives

This page gathers the archives of the old Frama-C-discuss archives, that was hosted by Inria's gforge before its demise at the end of 2020. To search for mails newer than September 2020, please visit the page of the new mailing list on Renater.

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[Frama-c-discuss] Proving properties with land?

-- Loïc Correnson (2017-09-04)
> Properties on bitwise operations are difficult to prove by simply using SMT solvers.

To qualify this a bit, that's true for properties over mathematical integers like the following:

> /*@ lemma alignment: \forall integer x, y; x <= y && y % 4 == 0 ==>
> ((x + 3) & 4) <= y;
>  @*/

but if you consider only fixed-size bitvectors (like machine 32 or 64 bits integers) then SMT solvers have very efficient dedicated solvers.

Then, the issue is that you need to exploit these, which is not the case today for WP, unless this has changed recently.

Yannick Moy, Senior Software Engineer, AdaCore

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