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[Frama-c-discuss] accessing uninitialized left-value


2018-08-12 9:37 GMT+02:00 谢文龙 <wlxie2000 at>:

> Hi
> I started to analysis the libmodbus from the open-source-case-study from
> git. There is a accessing uninitialized left-value warning for line 574 of
> src/modbus-tcp.c
> ai_hints.ai_flags |= AI_PASSIVE;
> And I define it as:
> #define AI_PASSIVE 0x0001
> or add -slevel 500

The problem is not AI_PASSIVE, but ai_hints.ai_flags. Remember that the
instruction is a shortcut to ai_hints.ai_flags = ai_hints.ai_flags |
AI_PASSIVE; if ai_hints.ai_flags has
not been initialized priori to this instruction, this is an issue. You
should check where ai_hints is declared and whether there is indeed a
possibility that its ai_flags field has not been initialized.

Best regards,
E tutto per oggi, a la prossima volta
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