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[Frama-c-discuss] Is it possible to "save"/reuse proofs?

Hello Tomas,

Le lun. 15 avr. 2019 à 11:36, Tomas Härdin <tjoppen at> a écrit :

>   frama-c -wp -wp-rte -wp-timeout 30 -warn-unsigned-overflow -wp-prover
> z3,cvc4,alt-ergo,qed proven.c
> What am I missing?

As Loïc says, you're not missing anything obvious. However, there exists a
hack that can allow you to take advantage of Why3's own session mechanism.
Given the necessary steps, I'm afraid this is not exactly robust, but you
might nevertheless be interested in the approach. This uses the GUI, but it
might be possible to write a quick and dirty script that performs the file
operations in batch mode.

1) generate POs without launching provers: frama-c-gui [your options]
-wp-prover none file.c
2) in the WP proofs panel of the GUI, launch Why3 on a PO: this should give
you a Why3 session with all the PO attached to a given function.
3) Use whatever provers and strategies you want in Why3 and save the Why3
session before quitting Why3 and Frama-C
4) copy the why3session.xml in ~/.frama-c-wp/project-session into somewhere
5) redo step 1
6) copy why3session.xml into ~/.frama-c-wp/project-session from the place
where you stored it.
7) redo step 2: Why3 should read why3session.xml and reuse the proofs of
the PO whose statement has not changed since step 3.

Best regards,
E tutto per oggi, a la prossima volta
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