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[Frama-c-discuss] Trouble With Why3 and New Frama-C 20.0


Le mer. 18 déc. 2019 à 19:10, Emperor Hirohito <hirohito at> a écrit :

> I'm currently using Void Linux x86_64 5.4.2_1, if that's of any help.
> I have been messing around with Frama-C and wp for a little bit, but
> the transition to Why3 has hit me with something odd that prevents me
> from using wp. I've tried reinstalling using an essentially blank
> slate (`rm -rf ~/.opam`), unless there are some residual configuration
> files somewhere else. Here's the example file I'm using, just for
> demonstration purposes:
>     /*@
>         logic boolean u8_continue_f(unsigned char b) =
>             0x80 <= b <= 0xBF;
>     */
>     /*@
>         assigns \nothing;
>         ensures \result == (int)u8_continue_f(b);
>     */
>     int u8_is_continue(const unsigned char b)
>     {
>         return b >= 0x80 && b <= 0xBF;
>     }
Thanks for the report. This is indeed a bug in the way WP handles boolean
ACSL terms, and more specifically comparison operators returning a boolean
when building a Why3 term with the Why3 API. Before it gets fixed, a work
around is to stick with predicate, e.g.

/*@ predicate u8_continue_f(unsigned char b) =
          0x80 <= b <= 0xBF;

        assigns \nothing;
        ensures \result !=0 <==> u8_continue_f(b);
        // or if you want to be more precise:
        // ensures u8_continue_f(b) ==> \result ==1;
        // ensures !u8_continue_f(b) ==> \result == 0;
    int u8_is_continue(const unsigned char b)
        return b >= 0x80 && b <= 0xBF;

Best regards,
E tutto per oggi, a la prossima volta
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