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[Frama-c-discuss] cast to prove an assertion

  • Subject: [Frama-c-discuss] cast to prove an assertion
  • From: cyril.deberge at (Cyril)
  • Date: Thu, 18 Jun 2020 20:17:30 +0200

Dear list,

I'm currently working with FramaC 20.0 (calcium version), and i'm using EVA
and WP plugins. I've got a problem with this code:

if( ( ( (pkt->wIndex) & 0xff ) ) == 0 ){
        /*@ assert ((pkt->wIndex) & 0xff) == 0 ; */
        errcode = MBED_ERROR_INVPARAM ;
        goto err ;

    /*@ assert ((pkt->wIndex) & 0xff) != 0 ; */
    /*@ assert ((pkt->wIndex) & 0xff) > 0 ; */

with pkt->wIndex as a uint16_t

I'm trying to help WP with assertions.

/*@ assert ((pkt->wIndex) & 0xff) == 0 ; */ is ok for EVA.
 /*@ assert ((pkt->wIndex) & 0xff) != 0 ; */ is ok for WP

but /*@ assert ((pkt->wIndex) & 0xff) > 0 ; */ remained unknown (either EVA
or WP), even if EVA knows that (pkt->wIndex) >0 after if statement.
I don't understand why WP cannot prove that ((pkt->wIndex) & 0xff) > 0.

I finally managed to prove this assertion by casting (pkt->wIndex) & 0xff
as an uint8_t :
if(((uint8_t)((pkt->wIndex) & 0xff)) == 0 )
(since & 0xff is a mask)

As options for WP and EVA, i'm using :
 -eva-warn-undefined-pointer-comparison none
   -eva-auto-loop-unroll 20
   -eva-slevel 300
   -eva-split-return auto
   -eva-partition-history 6
  -wp-model "Typed+ref+int"
  -wp-prover alt-ergo,cvc4,z3

And finally for the provers, i'm using : alt-ergo 2.3.0, cvc4 1.7 et z3

So is this a normal behavior for FramaC?

Thank you for your answer,

Cyril Debergé
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