Note: these instructions refer to an older release of Frama-C; for the latest stable release, click here

---  WP 0.5 Nitrogen-20111001


 - Frama-C Nitrogen-20111001 (mandatory)
 - Alt-Ergo 0.93 (optional)
 - Why 2.29      (optional)
 - Coq 8.3       (optional)
 - Simplify      (optional)
 - Z3            (optional)

Installation Instructions:

1. Decompress the tarball

2. Check installed version frama-c (see requirements)
   $ frama-c -version

3. Execute the following commands:
   $ autoconf
   $ ./configure
   $ make depend
   $ make
   $ [sudo] make install

The plugin is installed at Frama-C installation site.

4. To remove WP plug-in from Frama-C installation:
   $ [sudo] make uninstall

Copyright (C) 2007-2012                                               
CEA (Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives)