This page gathers the publications that have been made in the context of the project.



  • Sandrine Blazy and Xavier Leroy. Mechanized semantics for the Clight subset of the C language. Journal of Automated Reasoning. 43(3), pp. 263-288, October 2009 pdf
  • Yannick Moy and Claude Marché. Modular inference of subprogram contracts for safety checking. Journal of Symbolic Computation. 45(11), pp 1184-1211, November 2010.
  • Sylvie Boldo and Claude Marché. Formal verification of numerical programs: from C annotated programs to mechanical proofs. Mathematics in Computer Science, 2011.
  • Pascal Cuoq, Benjamin Monate, Anne Pacalet and Virgile Prevosto. Functional Dependencies of C Functions via Weakest Pre-Conditions. International Journal for Software Tools for Technology Transfer (STTT), octobre 2011. More information
  • Jean-Christophe Filliâtre. Deductive software verification. International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer (STTT), 13(5):397-403, August 2011.


  • Bernhard Beckert and Claude Marché, dir. Formal Verification of Object-Oriented Software, Papers Presented at the International Conference, Paris, France. June 2010. pdf


  • Pascal Cuoq and Julien Signoles. Experience Report: OCaml for an industrial-strength static analysis framework. 14th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Functional Programming. Edinburgh, Scotland. September 2009. pdf
  • Jean-Baptiste Tristan and Xavier Leroy. A simple, verified validator for software pipelining. In 37th symposium Principles of Programming Languages, pages 83-92. ACM Press, January 2010. pdf
  • Silvain Rideau and Xavier Leroy. Validating register allocation and spilling. In Compiler Construction (CC 2010), volume 6011 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 224-243. Springer, March 2010. pdf
  • Sandrine Blazy, Benoît Robillard and Andrew Appel. Formal Verification of Coalescing Graph-Coloring Register Allocation. In European Symposium On Programming (ESOP), volume 6012 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 145-164. Springer, March 2010. pdf
  • David Delmas, Stéphane Duprat, Victoria Moya Lamiel and Julien Signoles. Taster, a Frama-C plugin to enforce Coding Standards. Présenté à ERTS, Toulouse, France. May 2010. pdf
  • Asma Tafat, Sylvain Boulmé, and Claude Marché. A refinement methodology for object-oriented programs. In Formal Verification of Object-Oriented Software, Papers Presented at the International Conference, pages 143-159, Paris, France. June 2010. pdf
  • Dillon Pariente and Emmanuel Ledinot, Formal Verification of Industrial C Code using Frama-C: a Case Study. In Formal Verification of Object-Oriented Software, Papers Presented at the International Conference, Paris, France. June 2010.
  • Ali Ayad and Claude Marché. Multi-prover verification of floating-point programs. In Jürgen Giesl and Reiner Hähnle, editors. Fifth International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Edinburgh, Scotland. July 2010. pdf
  • Paolo Herms. Certification of a chain for deductive program verification. In Yves Bertot, editor, 2nd Coq Workshop, satellite of ITP'10, 2010. pdf
  • Tahina Ramananandro, Gabriel Dos Reis, and Xavier Leroy. Formal verification of object layout for C++ multiple inheritance. In 38th symposium on Principles of Programming Languages (POPL 2011), January 2011. pdf
  • Ricardo Bedin França, Denis Favre-Felix, Xavier Leroy, Marc Pantel, and Jean Souyris. Towards Optimizing Certified Compilation in Flight Control Software. In Workshop on Predictability and Performance in Embedded Systems (PPES 2011), March 2011. pdf
  • Jean-Christophe Filliâtre and K. Kalyanasundaram. Functory: A Distributed Computing Libraryfor Objective Caml. In Trends in Functional Programming, Madrid, Spain, May 2011
  • François Bobot, Jean-Christophe Filliâtre, Claude Marché, and Andrei Paskevich. Why3: Shepherd your herd of provers. In Boogie 2011: First International Workshop on Intermediate Verification Languages, Wroclaw, Poland, Aout 2011.
  • Thi Minh Tuyen Nguyen and Claude Marché. Hardware-dependent proofs of numerical programs. In Jean-Pierre Jouannaud and Zhong Shao, editors, Certified Programs and Proofs, Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer, December 2011.
  • Tahina Ramananandro, Gabriel Dos Reis, and Xavier Leroy. A mechanized semantics for C++ object construction and destruction, with applications to resource management. In 39th symposium on Principles of Programming Languages, ACM Press, January 2012, Philadelphie, PA, USA.
  • Ricardo Bedin França, Sandrine Blazy, Denis Favre-Felix, Xavier Leroy, Marc Pantel and Jean Souyris. Formally verified optimizing compilation in ACG-based flight control software. In Embedded Real Time Software and Systems (ERTS 2012), February 2012, Toulouse, France.



  • Julien Signoles. Foncteurs impératifs et composés : la notion de projets dans Frama-C. Studia Informatica Universalis. 2009. pdf
  • Julien Signoles. Une bibliothèque de typage dynamique en OCaml. Studia Informatica Universalis. 2011


  • Richard Bonichon and Pascal Cuoq. Une table d'association d'intervalles fusionnable. Actes des Journées Francophones des Langages Applicatifs. La Ciotat. January 2010. pdf
  • Jean-Christophe Filliâtre and Krishnamani Kalyanasundaram. Une bibliothèque de calcul distribué pour Objective Caml. In Sylvain Conchon, editor, Vingt-deuxièmes Journées Francophones des Langages Applicatifs, La Bresse, France, January 2011. INRIA.

Research Reports

  • K. Kalyanasundaram and Claude Marché. Automated generation of loop invariants using predicate abstraction. Research Report 7714, INRIA, August 2011. pdf

Dissemination Actions

Popularization Articles

  • Xavier Leroy. Comment faire confiance à un compilateur? La Recherche, 440, April 2010. pdf

Popularization Conferences

  • Xavier Leroy, "Une introduction à la vérification formelle de codes critiques". Exposé à la journée de rencontre INRIA-industrie "Modélisation et systèmes sûrs", Toulouse, May 2010. pdf
  • Pascal Cuoq, Damien Doligez and Julien Signoles, Lightweight Typed Customizable Unmarshaling, ML Workshop 2011, Tokyo, September 2011.


  • Poster at the System@TIC Symposium, Châtenay-Malabry, June 2009.
  • Poster at the Grand Colloque STIC, Paris, January 2010.
  • Poster at the System@TIC symposium, Paris, June 2010.