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[Frama-c-discuss] YASE, back to the roots

Hello Yannick,

thanks for your explanation. As I see it we have to change
a lot in the specifications written until now.

So far we are using Frama-C on Windows and Mac OS X.
For Windows we would prefer a binary version.
For Mac OS X we are used to compile Frama-C, so a patch would probably  
be fine.


Am 05.11.2008 um 16:49 schrieb Yannick Moy:

> Hi,
> Coming back to the problem Christoph signaled last week ...
> We corrected the Jessie plugin to remove the regression you  
> observed, but this requires stating when pointers belong to the same  
> block. Indeed, equality of pointer values in C is not the same as  
> equality of the logic pointer entities in our memory model. Thus, in  
> the example you showed us, stating that [first <= last] in the  
> precondition does not guarantee that first and last belong to the  
> same block, which is later on needed to prove the loop invariant.  
> Thus,
> you must state in the precondition and the loop invariant that some  
> pointers belong to the same allocated block of memory. There is no  
> predefined construct in ACSL to state this, so we translate equality  
> of base addresses in Jessie to express precisely that, although it  
> would be better expressed with a special construct in the future.
> Thus, your example with new annotations looks like:
> /*@
>   @requires \valid_range(first, 0, last-first -1)
>   @      && first <= last && \base_addr(first) == \base_addr(last);
>   @behavior is_not_empty:
>   @  ensures \forall integer i;
>   @  0 <= i < last-first ==> first[i] == value;
> */
> void fill (int* first, int* last, int value )
> {
>   int* it = first;
>   /*@
>     @loop invariant first <= it <= last
>     @            && \base_addr(first) == \base_addr(it)
>     @            && \base_addr(last) == \base_addr(it);
>     @loop invariant \forall integer k; 0 <= k < it - first ==>  
> first[k] == value;
>   */
>   while (it != last)
>     *it++ = value;
> }
> With our corrections, all VC are now proved by Alt-Ergo, Simplify  
> and Z3.
> Let us know how you would like a patch, before we build a new  
> release. Can we send you binaries for linux?
> Cheers,
> Yannick
> On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 10:08 AM, Yannick Moy  
> <> wrote:
> Hi again,
> I am sorry to delay the definite answer to your problem to next  
> Wednesday, when other members of the team come back from holidays.  
> The problem you faced is directly linked to some corrections we made  
> on our memory model, and there are issues I cannot decide to solve  
> one way or another by myself.
> Sorry for the inconvenience, we will send you a patch asap next week.
> Yannick
> On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 9:51 AM, Pascal Cuoq <>  
> wrote:
>  I think we'll have to patch the current release to overcome this  
> problem. If so, we will announce it on this list soon.
> Indeed, the release was a little bit rushed, but it's okay
> because the version is clearly labeled as "beta" :)
> I would like to take this opportunity to encourage plug-in
> developers to work with the users of their plug-ins
> to make the next iteration of Frama-C (to be released in
> the next few days) as stable as possible.
> Frama-C is Open Source and Frama-C's users
> are bright and motivated people.
> It is probably a good, efficient way
> to work to send them patches in order to
> fix the problem that is blocking them and allow them
> to further their tests, so that the next release may work
> really well for what is supposed to work already.
> Thanks to everyone on this list for their contributions.
> Pascal
> -- 
> Yannick
> -- 
> Yannick
> _______________________________________________
> Frama-c-discuss mailing list


Dr.-Ing. Jens Gerlach
Eingebettete Systeme - EST
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