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[Frama-c-discuss] ACSL-Documentation

  • Subject: [Frama-c-discuss] ACSL-Documentation
  • From: virgile.prevosto at (Virgile Prevosto)
  • Date: Mon Nov 10 15:03:32 2008
  • In-reply-to: <8B32B7E0A2A24B2EAF9AE4907DDE7259@AHARDPLACE>
  • References: <B89247FC24D44FA680F0AF14051A5BBC@AHARDPLACE> <20081104085912.3cadf260@is005115> <8B32B7E0A2A24B2EAF9AE4907DDE7259@AHARDPLACE>

Le mar 04 nov 2008 10:44:30 CET,
"Christoph Weber" <> a ?crit :

> Hello,
> I have read the appendix, but it is my observation, that I don't want to 
> spent too much time with searching, and would prefer to concentrate on the 
> new stuff while reading. Usually I need to refresh on the previous sections, 
> to set the new things in the proper context. Therefore I start at the 
> beginning.

Fair enough. Here is a diff'ed version of the manual (added text in
blue, removed text in small red letters. Of course, it is provided for
documentation purposes only and does not constitute in any way a new
release of ACSL manual or even an exhaustive summary of the changes
between ACSL 1.3 and 1.4 (1)).

E tutto per oggi, a la prossima volta.
(1) OK, A lawyer'd have found a more appropriate wording, but I guess
you see what I mean: any ACSL discussion must still be based on the
official 1.4 manual.
-------------- section suivante --------------
Une pi?ce jointe non texte a ?t? nettoy?e...
Nom: diff.pdf
Type: application/pdf
Taille: 606611 octets
Desc: non disponible