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SV: [Frama-c-discuss] Frama-C user documentation?


Thank you for the information, we'll try hat.

One additional question, where do I find frama-c-manual-en.pdf? I looked in the menu on the windows install and it's not there. It is also not available on the or the support page?



-----Opprinnelig melding-----
Fra: Benjamin Monate [] 
Sendt: 7. oktober 2008 15:59
Til: Birger Kollstrand
Emne: Re: [Frama-c-discuss] Frama-C user documentation?


Thanks for your interest in Frama-C.

Documentation definitly needs improvements.
You may want to read the file frama-c-manual-en.pdf and jump to section 

In short, you have two options to run Frama-C:

1) Either install a C pre-processor and use the -cpp-command option or 
set CPP_COMMAND environment variable. In particular you have to provide 
the necessary includes path (-I ...).
Here are a few possible options from the manual:
frama-c-gui -val -cpp-command 'gcc -C -E -I. -x c'  <file list>
frama-c-gui -val -cpp-command 'gcc -C -E -I. -o %2 %1' <file list>
frama-c-gui -val -cpp-command 'copy %1 %2' <file list>
frama-c-gui -val -cpp-command 'cat %1 > %2'
frama-c-gui -val -cpp-command 'CL.exe /C /E %1 > %2' <file list>

2) Or preprocess all of your files in advance into .i files and then 
pass .i files to Frama-C.

As you are working on Linux code under a Win32 machine, your best bet is 
probably to try option 2.

Here is a step by step howto if you have access to a Linux development 
machine and use gcc to compile your code.
a) Clean your compilation tree (make clean)
b) Add the -save-temps option to gcc in your makefiles (usually CC="gcc 
-save-temps" make will do it.
c) Copy all generated *.i files to you windows machine to the same 
relative location in your un-preprocessed source trunk.
d) Run frama-c-gui <list of all .i files>

Then you can start trying the different command line options described 
in the manual.

Do not hesitate to ask for further informations if you need it.

Thanks again for your interest,
| Benjamin Monate         |     |
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