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[Frama-c-discuss] Precondition for user call (newbye question)

Hello Paolo,

On Fri, Jun 5, 2009 at 11:33, Paolo Bashir Argenton<bashir1961 at> wrote:
> In the following code I got a warning with jessie-analysis in the
> statement len=strlen(s).
> /*@ assigns \nothing;
> ?@ requires valid_string(s);

You should put "requires" *before* "assigns". Always keep order given
in Frama-C manuals.

Here is the code that does not produce any warning for me. Apparently,
some goals are not proven but I haven't looked at them to understand

You don't need to include "frama/include/jessie_prolog.h", use
"-jessie-std-stubs" command line option instead.

I'm using following command line:
  frama-c -jessie-analysis -jessie-atp alt-ergo -jessie-gui
-jessie-std-stubs  paolo-issue.c

//#include "bool.h"
#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0
#define BOOL int
//#include "isspace.h"
//#include "frama/include/jessie_prolog.h"
#include "string.h"

BOOL isnotspace(char c)
   return c != ' ';

 @ requires valid_string(s);
   assigns \nothing;
 @ behavior nullo:
 @  assumes strlen(s) == 0;
 @  ensures \result == \true;
 @ behavior not_blank:
 @  assumes strlen(s) > 0 && \exists int i ; 0 <= i < strlen(s) && (
(s[i]!=' ') && (s[i]!='\t') );
 @  ensures \result == \false;
 @ behavior blank:
 @  assumes strlen(s) > 0 && \forall int i ; 0 <= i < strlen(s) && (
(s[i]==' ') || (s[i]!='\t') );
 @  ensures \result == \true;
BOOL st_isblank( const char *s )
   BOOL retval = TRUE;
   unsigned int i = 0;
       unsigned char ch;
       unsigned int len = 0;

       len = strlen(s);

       if( 0 == len )
               return retval; /* true */

   for ( i=0; i<len; i++)
               /*@ assert i<=len; */
               /*@ assert \valid(s+i); */
               ch = (unsigned char) s[i];
       if ( isnotspace(  ch ) )
           /* se almeno 1 char e' != blank torna false */
           retval = FALSE;
           return retval;

   return retval;
