Frama-C-discuss mailing list archives

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[Frama-c-discuss] [Jessie] pset_disjoint

Hello Boris,

Le mar. 09 juin 2009 17:13:17 CEST,
"Hollas Boris (CR/AEY1)" <Boris.Hollas at> a ?crit :

> I'm unable to verify the code below. It seems that Jessie requires that p and q are pointers to distinct memory locations. However, this is not required by Copy.
> Is this a bug?

No, this is a feature ;-). In fact, the default behavior of jessie is
indeed to consider that the arguments of a function points to distinct
memory locations. This usually greatly simplifies the proof obligations
(when you write something in *p you know that *q is still the same).
But of course this is a new implicit pre-condition, and like
user-defined pre-conditions it must be checked for each call. 
You can disactivate this behavior by giving the option
-jessie-no-region to Frama-C.

Best regards,
E tutto per oggi, a la prossima volta.