Frama-C-discuss mailing list archives

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[Frama-c-discuss] How to deal with uint32

Damien Karkinsky wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have a problem with a piece of code that contains uint32 type defined
> variables. When setting the variable, Frama-C attempts to prove that the

I guess you mean "the Jessie plugin of Frama-C attempts..."

> value is within bounds and no overflow will occur. For example the code:
> uint32 Var1, Var2;
> ...
> Var1 |= ((Var1 ) & Var2);
> results in two proof obligations to show that;
> 0<= bw_and(integer_of_uint32(Var1), integer_of_uint32(Var2))
> and
> bw_and(integer_of_uint32(Var1), integer_of_uint32(Var2))  <=  4294967295
> It seems the function integer_of_uint32 is undefined and hence the
The "hence" is not justified... There is an axiom somewhere that states

  forall x:uint32, 0 <= integer_of_uint32(Var2) <= 4294967295

so what is missing here is enough knowledge of the bitwise operator bw_and.

You could try to add in your C file :

/*@ lemma bw_and_uint32 :
   @     \forall uint32 x,y ; 0 <= x & y <= 4294967295;

This lemma will not be proved, but will allow to prove your other VCs.

The question of having a proper, sufficiently complete, axiomatization 
of bitwise operators in Jessie is open.
We probably need to use built-in bitvector theories of SMT provers, but 
it is not done yet.

- Claude
> conditions cannot be discharged. Do you have any suggestions how to go
> about this problem?
> Thank you
> Regards
> Damien
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