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[Frama-c-discuss] Jessie failure: "Unexpected internal region in logic"

  • Subject: [Frama-c-discuss] Jessie failure: "Unexpected internal region in logic"
  • From: david.delmas at (David Delmas)
  • Date: Fri, 12 Mar 2010 08:45:37 +0100

Dear all,

I am running Frama-C Beryllium-20090902 with Why 2.21.

I can successfully run "frama-c -jessie no_failure.c" on the below
no_failure.c file :

        //@ predicate P0{L}(int t[], int i) = t[i]==1;
        /*@ axiomatic No_Failure_1 {
        predicate P1{L}(int t[], int i);
        axiom aP1{L} :
            \forall int t[], int i;
                i==0 && P0{L}(t,i) ==> P1{L}(t,i);
        /*@ axiomatic No_Failure_2 {
        predicate P2{L}(int t[], int i);
        axiom aP2{L} :
            \forall int t[], int i;
                i!=1 && !P0{L}(t,i) ==> P2{L}(t,i);

But then, I if decide to merge the definitions of predicates P1 and P2
into a single axiomatic, I get the following failure.c file :

        //@ predicate P0{L}(int t[], int i) = t[i]==1;
        /*@ axiomatic Failure_Unexpected_internal_region_in_logic {
        predicate P1{L}(int t[], int i);
        predicate P2{L}(int t[], int i);
        axiom aP1{L} :
            \forall int t[], int i;
                i==0 && P0{L}(t,i) ==> P1{L}(t,i);
        axiom aP2{L} :
            \forall int t[], int i;
                i!=1 && !P0{L}(t,i) ==> P2{L}(t,i);

If I then run "frama-c -jessie failure.c", I get the below error :
Uncaught exception: Failure("Unexpected internal region in logic")

Could you please explain me why?

Thank you in advance for your help,

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