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[Frama-c-discuss] pointer to interrupt


On Thu, Oct 28, 2010 at 10:27 AM, Jean-Marc Harang
<jean-marc.harang at> wrote:
> I got ?an error "[kernel] user error: syntax error" ?after the preprocess of
> a header file with value analysis with the following declaration :
> typedef interrupt void (*SYS_T_PINT) (void);
> This declaration is used after for a interrupt vector array... I know it's
> very low level but it's a classic feature for embedded software.

Function pointers are supported by the front-end of Frama-C.
Individual plug-ins may support them or not at their convenience. For
the value analysis, it's easy to support them so so they are. For
Jessie and its design-by-contract philosophy, additional features
would be required in the specification language to express the
contract expected of a function pointer (I think).

> In this case, what is the best way to solve / avoid the problem ??

If the target code only uses the keyword 'interrupt" as in the example
you gave, use:

#define interrupt

This makes the typedef a valid, standard C definition of a function
pointer type SYS_T_PINT.

