Frama-C-discuss mailing list archives

This page gathers the archives of the old Frama-C-discuss archives, that was hosted by Inria's gforge before its demise at the end of 2020. To search for mails newer than September 2020, please visit the page of the new mailing list on Renater.

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[Frama-c-discuss] Plateform Why3 0.72

On 07/20/2012 10:20 AM, DAHAN Mickael wrote:
> Hello.
> I would like to know how can I do to launch the plateform Why3 0.72 on 
> frama-c Nitrogen.

The formulation of your question is somewhat strange... Please see for explanations on the relations between 
Frama-C, Why3, and the Jessie plugin. In short:

* compile and install Frama-C Nitrogen and Why3 in any order (the newer 
Why3 0.73 if possible ;-)
* compile and install Why 2.31 which contains the Jessie plugin
* detect provers: why3config --detect


frama-c -jessie file.c

will start compute VCs for your C code and start the why3 GUI on them

- Claude
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