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[Frama-c-discuss] Runtime problem on ARM

  • Subject: [Frama-c-discuss] Runtime problem on ARM
  • From: loganjerry at (Jerry James)
  • Date: Fri, 9 Aug 2013 13:27:29 -0600


Fedora recently promoted ARM to primary architecture status, which means
that all Fedora packages are now built for i386, x86_64, and arm.  I am
having a problem with the frama-c package that I'm having some difficulty
figuring out.  I am hopeful that somebody here can give me some advice.

On i386 and x86_64, the build of Frama-C Fluorine 20130601 behaves
normally.  But on ARM, running frama-c, regardless of command line
arguments, immediately results in this:

Fatal error: exception Invalid_argument("String.sub")

With a little gdb work, I have tracked that down to this code in external/, lines 212 to 224:

let (code_area_start, cksum) =
  let s = Marshal.to_string id [Marshal.Closures] in
  let cksum = String.sub s 0x1E 16 in
  let c0 = Char.code s.[0x1D] in
  let c1 = Char.code s.[0x1C] in
  let c2 = Char.code s.[0x1B] in
  let c3 = Char.code s.[0x1A] in
  let ofs = Int32.logor (Int32.shift_left (Int32.of_int c3) 24)
                        (Int32.of_int ((c2 lsl 16) lor (c1 lsl 8) lor c0))
  let start = Obj.add_offset (Obj.field (Obj.repr id) 0) (Int32.neg ofs) in
  (start, cksum)

If I am reading the GDB information correctly, the variable s is a pointer
to a block of 0 bytes (a zero-length string?).

I would be grateful for any ideas on how to proceed.  Regards,
Jerry James
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