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[Frama-c-discuss] Fwd: Re: [Why3-club] frama-c/wp

  • Subject: [Frama-c-discuss] Fwd: Re: [Why3-club] frama-c/wp
  • From: Claude.Marche at (Claude Marche)
  • Date: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 07:40:13 +0100
  • In-reply-to: <>
  • References: <>

[forward to Frama-C list, since it is more related to Wp plugin than
Why3, and it might be useful for other Frama-C users]

Indeed, the syntax for the Why3 command line changed significantly since
version 0.84. Until a new Frama-C/Wp is released, the small scripts
provided by Khairul are probably good work-arounds. Beware anyway that
there might be other use cases from Wp that might be needed to handle in
those scripts (I mean, apart from handling specifically the options
--list-provers and -I)

- Claude

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: 	Re: [Why3-club] frama-c/wp
Date: 	Tue, 13 Jan 2015 13:33:45 +0800
From: 	Khairul Azhar Kasmiran <kazarmy at>
To: 	why3-club at <why3-club at>

Hello Junkil,

What I've done is that I've renamed my? why3? binary to? why3-main and
used the attached bash wrapper scripts as glue. You might need to change
the paths accordingly.

While I'm not a bash expert, I hope you find the scripts useful!

Best regards,

Dr. Khairul Azhar Kasmiran
Room C3-14, Department of Computer Science,
Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology,
Universiti Putra Malaysia,
43400 UPM Serdang, Selangor,
Tel: +603 8947 1657
Fax: +603 8946 6576

On Tue, Jan 13, 2015 at 7:44 AM, Junkil (David) Park <juki14 at
<mailto:juki14 at>> wrote:


    With the previous version of Why3, I could let frama-c/wp connect to
    Why3 (IDE and other provers) by (for example,
    ???> frama-c -wp -wp-prover why3ide test.c???). But, it seems that
    with the recent version of Why3, I am not able to do that. I think
    it is because Why3 commands has been recently change from
    ???why3ide??? to ???why3 ide???. If anyone can give an advice on
    this, I would appreciate it.


    Why3-club mailing list
    Why3-club at <mailto:Why3-club at>

-------------- section suivante --------------
Une pi?ce jointe autre que texte a ?t? nettoy?e...
Nom: why3
Type: application/octet-stream
Taille: 140 octets
Desc: non disponible
URL: <>
-------------- section suivante --------------
Une pi?ce jointe autre que texte a ?t? nettoy?e...
Nom: why3ide
Type: application/octet-stream
Taille: 64 octets
Desc: non disponible
URL: <>
-------------- section suivante --------------
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