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[Frama-c-discuss] Dynamically allocated lists

  • Subject: [Frama-c-discuss] Dynamically allocated lists
  • From: fniksic at (Filip Niksic)
  • Date: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 15:53:30 +0100

Hi all,

I am trying to understand how to use Frama-C to reason about dynamically 
allocated lists. In the attached code, I have a global list pointed to 
by a global pointer r, and a function add_node that allocates a new node 
and adds it as a new head of the list. I have defined an inductive 
predicate reachable to reason about reachability, and now I want to 
prove that the function add_node maintains the invariant that the list 
does not contain a cycle:

/*@ requires reachable(r, \null);
   @ assigns r;
   @ ensures reachable(r, \null);
void add_node() {
   struct node *new = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
   if (new != NULL) {
     new->next = r;
     r = new;

I am trying to verify this using Jessie, as WP cannot deal with dynamic 
memory allocation. I am also using libc headers with ACSL specification 
that come with Frama-C.

$ frama-c -jessie -cpp-extra-args="-I $(frama-c -print-path)/libc 
-nostdinc" list.c

However, the generated verification conditions cannot be verified, at 
least not with Z3 of Alt-Ergo. It seems that malloc somehow messes the 
fact that \null is reachable from r.

Does anyone know what the problem is and how to solve it?

As a side question, what are the limitations of WP when handling 
inductive predicates? As far as I can see, it completely eliminates the 
fact that they are "inductive", and produces just plain predicates. It 
doesn't give anything that resembles the corresponding induction principles.



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