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[Frama-c-discuss] Does WP support declare ghost variables of logic types ?

  • Subject: [Frama-c-discuss] Does WP support declare ghost variables of logic types ?
  • From: virgile.prevosto at (Virgile Prevosto)
  • Date: Tue, 31 Oct 2017 17:39:12 +0100
  • In-reply-to: <>
  • References: <>


2017-10-31 16:59 GMT+01:00 Ziqing Luo <ziqing at>:

> Dear Frama-C people,
> I was trying to declare some ghost variables of logic types,  for example
> int main() {
>   //@ ghost integer a = 0;
>   //@ assert a >= 0;
> }
> Then I ran it with command "frame-c -wp test.c",  it told me that there
> is a syntax error at line 2 where is the ghost variable declaration.
> If I change integer to int, there is no problem.  So I was wandering if WP
> supports declaring logic type ghost variables ?
The issue is not in WP: there is no support for ghost variable with logic
types in Frama-C's kernel itself. You can see what elements of ACSL are
implemented in Frama-C's kernel (which does not mean that all plug-ins will
be able to handle them) in the following document:
Items marked in red are not supported or only partially supported.

Best regards,
E tutto per oggi, a la prossima volta
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