Frama-C-discuss mailing list archives

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[Frama-c-discuss] Frama-C 16 (Sulfur) - beta

  • Subject: [Frama-c-discuss] Frama-C 16 (Sulfur) - beta
  • From: Andre.OLIVEIRAMARONEZE at (Andre Maroneze)
  • Date: Tue, 31 Oct 2017 20:23:26 +0100

Dear list,

I have the pleasure to announce the beta release of the next version of 
Frama-C, 16 (Sulfur).

It is available in the release-candidates branch of Frama-C-snapshot's 
repository on github:

And a link to a tar.gz archive and the manuals is available at:

You are encouraged to try it out and report any potential regression on 
this list or on as usual.

Barring any critical issue, final Frama-C 16 release is scheduled for 
early December.

Main changes include:

### Kernel

- extra type checking verifications (e.g. const on local variables)

### EVA

- many improvements, more precise behaviors, bug fixes

### RTE

- emission of more alarms (\initialized)

### GUI

- extra columns when metrics is run (dead code %)
- allow displaying local callgraphs

For the Frama-C team,

André Maroneze
Laboratoire Sûreté et Sécurité des Logiciels

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