Frama-C-discuss mailing list archives

This page gathers the archives of the old Frama-C-discuss archives, that was hosted by Inria's gforge before its demise at the end of 2020. To search for mails newer than September 2020, please visit the page of the new mailing list on Renater.

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[Frama-c-discuss] Casting to a generic function pointer

2018-07-04 15:21 GMT+02:00 Divya Muthukumaran <divya84 at>:

> Thanks, when I change the declaration from void *(void) to void *() I
> don't get that error anymore.
> I am not encountering an error saying --
> [kernel:annot:missing-spec] src/os/unix/ngx_errno.c:67: Warning:
>   Neither code nor specification for function strlen, generating default
> assigns from the prototype
> [value] src/os/unix/ngx_errno.c:67: builtin Frama_C_strlen: invalid base:
> I had assumed that Frama-C automatically uses its own specfication for
> libc functions such as strlen, so why do I get that complaint?
This is indeed normally the case. Can you give us the exact command line
that you're using to launch Frama-C?

Best regards,
E tutto per oggi, a la prossima volta
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