Frama-C-discuss mailing list archives

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[Frama-c-discuss] Warnings for call to memcpy()... why?

Le ven. 19 juil. 2019 à 18:00, Roderick Chapman <rod at> a
écrit :

> On 19/07/2019 16:53, Virgile Prevosto wrote:
> I'd say that encapsulating memcpy into a dedicated well-typed function
> with an appropriate contract
> Yeah... I was probably heading in that direction... thanks for the
> confirmation.
> I have obviously been spoilt by SPARK where you just write "D := S;" and
> it just works... :-)

Well, if you can afford to go by a (well-typed) assignment, there are much
less problems:

struct T {
  int x[2];

/*@ requires \valid(d) && \valid_read(s);
    requires \separated(d,s);
    ensures *d == *s;
void h(struct T* d, struct T* s) { *d = *s; }

is proved pretty easily by WP. It's really the fact that memcpy exposes the
gory details of byte-by-byte memory accesses that is the source of the

Best regards,
E tutto per oggi, a la prossima volta
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