
Frama-C API - Statement

analyses at the granularity of a statement, i.e. the results are w.r.t. to the state just before the given statement stmt

see Abstract_state.points_to_vars

see Abstract_state.points_to_lvals

val alias_sets_vars : stmt:Frama_c_kernel.Cil_types.stmt -> VarSet.t list

see Abstract_state.alias_sets_vars

val alias_sets_lvals : stmt:Frama_c_kernel.Cil_types.stmt -> LSet.t list

see Abstract_state.alias_sets_lvals

see Abstract_state.alias_vars

  • deprecated Use Statement.alias_lvals instead!

see Abstract_state.alias_lvals

aliases of the given lval lv created by stmt s

aliases of the given lval lv created by stmt s